Wanted vintage autocall code motor

I am looking for a vintage AUTOCALL code motor (circa 1930’s thru 1940’s)
If you have one or know where I can get one please contact me at:
[email protected]

Never thought I’d find someone else who even knows or cares what these are!

The autocall-howe oscillator! I only have pictures of maybe 1 or 2 other ones, but, I have been doing extensive research about this system and can re-create these with modern components.

We should definitely exchange information! I sent you an email.

I believe that logo might be from the late 40s. anyway, where did this panel come from?

did the motor burn out or something? It might have to get scrapped

Update: Since I could not find a replacement motor, I had to have the old, original motor rewound, it cost me $300. Also, another problem was the small, green panel resistor that was on the panel. It was the wrong size. Instead of being a 50 ohm resistor, which it needed to be, someone had installed a 100 ohm resistor, which was way too much resistance. That higher ohm resister was slowing down the motor and interferring with it from starting when the panel was placed in actuation mode. The panel is now completely fixed and works like a charm. This panel was made in the 1940’s. Thanks to everyone who responded or commented on this post. Best wishes to all.