Figured I’d finally tell y’all about the systems in the places I’ve worked and went to school. For confidentiality/privacy, I can’t disclose building names, sorry!
Elementary School
Old System
Panel: Older Notifier MD/4812 panel as depicted here
NAs: Simplex 4051, or Notifier equivalent. School was an open classroom layout, so these were spread out in the hallways and every so often throughout the open classroom space. Other rooms that had alarms were the gym/cafeteria/auditorium, library, music classroom (which was pretty small), kitchen, and the boiler room. Notably all notification devices were original to the building, none of them having been replaced.
Pulls: Notifier BNG-1, old style
Smokes: Not sure, heats: Chemetronics black/silver “nipple” heats
New System (installed in 2019, way after I left the school):
Panel: Simplex 4007ES
NAs: Simplex TrueAlerts (probably ES)
Smokes/heats: Simplex TrueAlarms
Middle School
You guys are gonna like these systems.
Building A
Panel: Probably an older Edwards panel (such as 6500)
Pulls: Edwards 270-SPOs along with Simplex 4251-20s, I believe some were replaced with Simplex 2099 single-action non-addressable T-bars where the 270s wore out
NAs: Most were Edwards Adaptahorns on light plates with red lights - see the picture below. This is not a pictures of the actual school’s alarms, it’s one I found on the internet. Don’t know the model numbers. Sounded in continuous, lights steady. There was one TrueAlert (continuous) and one Wheelock MT set to whoop in the upper floor hallway. In 2012, TrueAlerts were added to the gym locker rooms which previously had no alarms. No alarms in classrooms or bathrooms, except for the library which had an Adaptahorn+light plate.
Smokes/heats: Don’t remember
Building B
Panel: Probably an older Edwards or Simplex panel (6500, 4208)
Pulls: 270-SPOs and Simplex 4251-20 single-action T-bars
NAs: A mix of the aforementioned Adaptahorns/light plates and TrueAlerts. Likely set to continuous. I never heard the alarms sound in this building. Alarms in hallway (Adaptahorns) and tech classroom, music classrooms, auxiliary gym (2 TrueAlerts), agriculture classroom, machine shop (Adaptahorn), and boiler room (TrueAlert).
Smokes/heats: Don’t remember
Building C
Panel: Unsure, could also be another older Edwards panel
Pulls: Mostly 270-SPOs, with the occasional 4251-20 or 2099 T-bar
NAs: Outside the Adaptahorns/light plates, lots of Wheelock alarms here. Several MTs and I think an NS. There was also an Edwards Pre-Integrity in one of the hallways, interestingly mounted sideways.
Smokes/heats: Don’t remember
High School
Panel: Two Simplex 4100Us networked together, one controlling each half of the school. There are annunciators for each panel at the front entrance of the school.
Pulls: Simplex 4099-9006 addressable dual-action T-bars
NAs: Simplex TrueAlert horn/strobes in hallways, remote strobes in bathrooms and most classrooms. Classrooms and areas that have horns include graphic design, photography, drafting, cosmetology, agriculture, robotics, woodshop, cafeteria, auditorium, gym, weight room, wrestling practice room, locker rooms, art rooms, band room, music room, and theatre classroom/backstage area. Sounded in code 3.
Smokes: Simplex TrueAlarms, above fire doors and at elevators
Way too much to put in here, will be coming in a separate post.
Work 1: College Bookstore
Panel: Simplex 4100U
Pulls: Simplex 4099-9006 addressable dual-action T-bars
NAs: Simplex TrueAlert speaker/strobes and strobes, wall and ceiling mounted
Smokes: Simplex TrueAlarms, spread out over bookstore as it doesn’t have sprinklers
Work 2: Office Building 1
Old System
Panel: Cerberus Pyrotronics SXL
Pulls: Cerberus Pyrotronics MS-51
NAs: Cerberus Pyrotronics EH horn/strobes in main area, not in leased spaces though
Smokes/Heats: Unknown
New System
Panel: Newer Honeywell-branded Silent Knight system
Pulls: Honeywell-branded BG-12s
NAs: System Sensor L-Series, L-Series everywhere! This time, also in leased spaces. Strobes in bathrooms.
Smokes/Heats: Unknown
Work 3: Office Building 2 (Current)
Panel: Simplex 4010
Pulls: Simplex 4099-9004 single-action addressable T-bars
NAs: Simplex TrueAlerts, wall and ceiling mounted, with one Wheelock Exceder strobe in my office area