What alarm do you have at work/school

Oh yeah: was going to comment about that but forgot. Really? Residential smoke (or possibly CO) detectors in a commercial building? What the heck?

Yep, I have the same in my apartment. Not sure what they’re doing there.

They could be the carbon monoxide version of the family guard fg200

Yeah, that’s what I was kinda thinking too (even if there are system-connectable ones actually meant for commercial applications like System Sensor’s CO1224-series).

That’s exactly what they are. If you look closely, there is some text on the alarm that you can barely see that identifies it as a CO alarm. I’ve never seen these outside of an RV, where they are pretty much the standard in almost every model.

Here’s what it is: It’s a First Alert/BRK CO250.

I found out that around a year ago my former elementary school got portables. I expected them to have the spectralert classics like the rest of the building, but upon finding a photo on the school’s page, they apparently have L-Series alarms in them. Here’s a cropped photo.

I can definitely see those being CO2 detectors. Though I’ve been in commercial buildings that don’t have fire alarms, but rather just smoke alarms.

“CO”: “CO2” is carbon dioxide, heh.

I don’t believe I’ve seen many commercial buildings with residential smoke detectors, but when it comes to those that do have such I don’t know what the owner or staff are thinking: they are not suited (or likely rated either) for commercial applications: that’s what a commercial fire detection & alarm system is for! (as evidenced by the “commercial” in it)

Most of the time you’ll see residential style detectors outside of elevators in commercial settings. There’s a relatively new school near me that’s like that.

What? I don’t know why that would be the case: for one thing most detectors mounted in such spots have a relay but no sounder since they’re often used for elevator recall, & most commercial detectors with sounder bases are used in places like hotel rooms instead.

These Gentex units (without the heat sensor though) are what I see the most and are what that school has.

Funnily enough I’ve very rarely seen those detectors in actual installations: most places just go with sounderless detectors made by a company like System Sensor instead.

Here in Michigan might be different. A lot of places just have commercial detectors outside elevators, but most seem to have residential style. I think even my local hospital uses them too.

My School had a Simplex System that began my love for the hobby!
Initiating Devices: 4251-20s and 4251-30s
Strobe Plates: 4903-9101s and 2903-9102s
Horns: 2901-9806s, 2901-9838s, and 2901-9840s