What did you do for Easter Sunday?

Yesterday, some of my family and friends had lunch in Downtown Plymouth at Compari’s, an Italian restaurant. While we were there, we received a box of chocolates, courtesy of my father. For the most part, though, I relaxed at my mother’s home, and as I sit writing this topic, Stevenson is back in session starting tomorrow…

So, how did you guys celebrate Easter Sunday?

Not much. My family is taking shifts to stay at my Grandfather’s house to take care of him. Friday night-Saturday morning was the shift for my Mom and I. So in addition to being tired, much of my family was just too busy to do much of anything.

Church service, then a bunch of people (mix of family and church patrons) over for easter dinner. It was a good day. :slight_smile:

I sang in my church choir for all 12 services (I sing Bass 2), and that was most of my morning and in the afternoon, I helped out with local Easter egg hunts for all the kids.