What kitchen appliances do you have, laundry related now

I have a gas oven, UK one btw, and a Bosch Classixx dishwasher, from my one of my three sisters.
And now you may include laundry appliances

Also I like fan convection ovens, ones with the fan in the actual oven compartment just so you know.

And fridges/ freezers/ fridge-freezers, because they are cool, get it because it’s a fridge-freezer, ba dum crash, and don’t forget the freezer ice maker.

And not forgetting the microwave, toaster, blender, mini fridge if applicable, mini dishwasher, slow cooker, separate hob if applicable, sink garbage grinder, trash (rubbish in British English) compactor, extractor fan (hood or in wall, whichever) and chest freezer, wine cooler, under-counter fridge and many more. And the kettle.

Amana refrigerator, Whirlpool microwave (above-oven style), Whirlpool self-cleaning oven, Black & Decker toaster oven, & Kitchenaid mixer (these are the appliances out all the time, we do have others but they spend most of their time put away in the cabinets).

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Nice my guy, glad to know pal.