What’s the Point of This?

I would understand if one was floor level. Why install a new sign and not repair the broken one?

It’s extra safe! :smiley:

Work order said “install new exit sign” - said nothing about removing the old one.

Same thing with the BG-12 pulls at 5’ replacing old 270-SPOs, or just laziness not bothering to install at ADA height?


So, they both work…

What did you do, fix it? I hope you charged them for it!

They probably never removed power to the old one, maybe it started working again by itself?

Isn’t the lower one already lit in the first picture?

The top one wasn’t lit in the first one, and is lit in the second one.

Why is it purple in the second one? Did you do some photo editing?

No, just the lighting, and I took the photos with my iPhone.