What type of voice-evac is this?

I have never heard this tone or message anywhere else on YouTube. Anyone know about this?

The tone is known as fast whoop. The spoken message is most likely a custom message written for the site.

Because of security concerns and the time it takes to re-screen passengers if the terminal is evacuated, many airports have AHJ approval to use a two stage alarm sequence. Our airport uses this feature.

Our airport is divided into sections. An alarm from a single device triggers a custom alert message in that section. Airport personnel have a fixed amount of time to investigate the situation. If no resolution to the situation is achieved, the system times out and changes to an evacuation message for the affected area. If a second device triggers in the same area the timer is defeated and the evacuation message starts then. When the evacuation message comes on other actions take place like unlocking secured doors so passengers can evacuate to the tarmac. If two devices in different areas alarm the entire airport immediately receives the evacuation message.

I’m not asking about this being a 2-stage setup, I’m asking about the type of system that has these tones/messages.

Oh, sorry. I don’t recognize the actual brand of system from the tones and message.

Awww… I’ve been wondering for months, not kidding!
Also, should this be made into a topic for anyone to post if they need help identifying a voice-evac system?
I ask this because someone posted a similar topic around a year ago.
What Voice Evac is this?]What Voice Evac is this?] ← Older topic

Yeh, I was gonna say it sounds more staged, like someone spoke it. Hehe

Not staged. The message is definitely prerecorded. There are other vids of this system.

This is still a mystery…
Here are some other vids of this same type of voice-evac:

Also, in the 2nd video, what sounds like SpectrAlert Advances can be heard in the background.

That temporal whoop tone is Notifier. I’ve got the WAV file on http://www.firealarmcollector.com/database/Voice%20Evac%20Messages/Notifier/Tones/Temporal/Whoop/temporal%20NRfastwhooptape1PCM.wav my website.

Thanks! I was wondering this for a while.