What's wrong here?

I’ve been to schools where each NA has a barcode label on it, as well as some of the pulls. Is there a reason they keep these barcodes on?

I’ve seen many addressable EST devices with the barcode stuck on them. I’m assuming that they identify the device’s address or something along those lines.

Barcodes are for inspection testing. When the device gets tested, the tech will scan the barcode, enter info if it passed or failed.
BuildingReports is one of the more common products that uses that barcode. But again, it makes sense to have the barcode on the physical device rather than the base.

EST SIGA devices each have their own unique serial number and barcode. The serial number can be used in place of an address, and a barcode scanner can be connected to some panels for programming.

I’ve never seen a bar code on a smoke detector but then again, I really don’t pay attention to them much. Would a bar code be like something you would see on other stuff?

Here’s what they look like on SIGA devices.

My friend has a quick start with siga appliances, and I had a barcode scanner and I helped him install and program the system, so destin is correct.

I think what’s wrong with it is it’s RIGHT NEXT to the air duct. It’s like at my school but my school has heat detectors that are right next to the ducts. Also they wrote on it with Sharpie.

You just revived a 2 month old topic and repeated something that someone already said.

Did you even read the RULES?
