Where did you hear about the Fire Panel from?
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This topic should be where users can post how/where they heard about this website.
Where did you hear about the Fire Panel from?
This topic should be where users can post how/where they heard about this website.
I heard about this website from one of NewAgeServerAlarm’s system test videos.
newageserveralarm in the car what happend video
I found Ben Schumin’s fire alarm collection page while Googling for security systems ten years ago. I had no idea that anyone else besides me was interested in this kind of stuff. Upon finding the forums, I was surprised that a whole community existed! I joined about a year later.
I was watching one of CoffeeandSugar20’s videos on YouTube where he was talking about some stuff he was selling, and said that more details were on T h e S c h u m i n W e b C o m m u n i t y, so I found it and registered.
Newageserveralarm’s intro
Actually, I just learned that this board was originally owned by Schumin Web. So, I also found this board from Google.
I found out when I had the task of migrating the site over from “Schumin Web” over to The Fire Panel.
lol :lol:
hint hint the name services
Found it out from a YouTube video I was looking at.
Which video?
I heard about it first inside my brain when I came up with the idea.
lololol :lol:
Pretty much this, and thank god because I thought that the only community out there was the forum that must not be named.
I Googled “fire alarm forum.” I’ve been a member of many online forums for a while. Mostly Jeep/off-road stuff. I figured I would check this one out since my son and I started collecting fire alarm components.
I forgot which video it was, but it was linked from there. I’m not 100% sure, but I think the link might have been from one of Weatherdan’s videos.
You said that you found out about this forum when you were helping transfer it to Newageserver so i said a clue to tell is your ranking services
I Googled “fire alarm forum.” I’ve been a member of many online forums for a while. Mostly Jeep/off-road stuff. I figured I would check this one out since my son and I started collecting fire alarm components.
That’s nice. My dad thinks this fire alarm hobby of mine is strange. :lol: