Where to find fire alarm panels for sale

Where can I find cheap(under $50) fire alarm panels? I am having trouble finding some online. I am fine if it is used, it will probably have to be used. I do not know where I can find some. Are there any ways to get old ones for free? Thanks for your help

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Good luck with that: panels have always been the most expensive part of this hobby, & nowdays they’re pricier than they’ve ever been. You could try seeing if a local service company has ones they’re not using for anything though.

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What kind of service company? What would they do?

By “service company” I mean fire alarm service company: someone who doesn’t make the products but who does service them: they likely have stockrooms full of parts & devices they’ve removed during upgrades & the like.

Thanks! What should I ask when I call them? Ask if they have any older parts or what would you recommend?

Check places like Facebook marketplace and Craigslist I found a hochiki fire net plus with smokes, sounder bases, pull stations, Notification Appliances, and an annunciator for $100 sadly I did not get the system.
Another great place to get panels for cheap Is to find a building that is getting renovated or demolished and ask if you can take parts of the system.

I guess just if they have anything they don’t need & that they might be willing to give to you.

Thanks so much for all the help!

In my experience: you really aren’t ever going to find any at that price unless you strike it extremely lucky with the local marketplaces or a particularly generous company. The absolute cheapest (actually worthwhile*) FACP on ebay right now is a “Hochiki HCP-204E” (rebranded Mircom FA-204, a really decent starter panel) for $45+$33 shipping - but one of the battery posts on the circuit board is broken. Quite the easy repair if you are experienced with soldering, or can be negated entirely if you just want to constantly have a battery trouble.

I am a beginner, is that battery part neccesary? Could I get this and use it with my system sensor alarm and honeywell pull station?

It’s arguably not necessary for a hobby system, but as Valra said you will have an annoying battery trouble constantly unless you repair it.

Should be fine with them: given it’s a conventional panel it should be able to make use of any conventional device.

do i need a battery or can i connect power to it? i am very beginner

I’ve been looking at this one as well. It’d be a good beginner panel. Although, last I saw, the shipping is $60.

Nope. It will have a constant batt fault, but all you need is a power cord to wire to it’s transformer.

Thanks. What kind of pwoer cord does it need, do you know?

Something like this: https://www.supplyhouse.com/DiversiTech-89223-14-3-Replacement-Power-Cord-Straight-6-Feet?utm_source=google_ad&utm_medium=Shopping_tm&utm_campaign=Shopping_TM_New_users&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAtt2tBhBDEiwALZuhADK5vM93PGuQ6I3F4_izMJDOTrG9Ftj_1GnbyKHfSlYPzuXUpHOJoxoC31oQAvD_BwE

Thanks. Also, would my silent knight pull station( SILENT KNIGHT PS-DA - DUAL PULL STATION W/KEY) work with this panel even though it is not addressable?

If you are a complete beginner, I’d strongly recommend AGAINST getting an FACP at all. Learn fundamentals of electricity. Learn about low-voltage circuits. Experiment with DC power supplies and wiring stuff up without a panel. I mean no offense here but with the questions you are asking, I’d advise holding off on messing with AC electricity. You can destroy something very fast if you don’t really understand what you are doing.

Ok, thanks. I think I am not going to get the panel as it would be a lot of work I think with my level of knowledge. Thanks though.

If the pull is conventional it will work with any conventional panel.