Which security system do you recomend

I am going to install a system in a house my parents own but i want some recommendation. I do not want DIY crap and the system is going to be hybrid (wired/wireless) with fire detectors. The type of systems which are used in croatia is and want to use is DSC, Honeywell, Interlogix/Aritech, Paradox, and Pyronix (hikvison). I need to know if it reliable, not to expensive, good wireless, good design, good app control and if fire works well on it. I might wanna go with a DSC neo but i wanna hear your opinions.

From what I’ve seen everyone recommend for wide range of compatibility would be the Vista 20p since it’s a combination of security system and supports fire alarm functionality. You might be able to get it in Croatia and it should work with 240v power input.

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we have vista’s yeah. good to know

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I’d personally recommend DSC’s PowerSeries Neo as it’s incredibly flexible programming-wise, & the system can even be set to Croatian! (among many other languages) DSC also has several distributors in the country according to their website.

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Yeah was thinking about using a NEO. also its easy to get compared to the others. Language would probably in english though.