Why Not Use the ISO Exit Sign?

I highly despise ISO signs. There have been tests conducted with both and the normal signs always do better. They cut through the smoke with the lettering, compared to a white blob in a Smokey room. I can see the argument that red means stop or danger, but Americans are accustomed to the traditional. I feel like more people would be lost in a fire, emergency and die.
You can have your own opinion, but this is mine. No hate to anyone btw.

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The solution is to have a cutout of the running man similar to the arrows on normal exit signs. Will this ever be implemented? Probably not, it’s likely too expensive. That’s an interesting weakness that I wouldn’t have thought about. There should be a better way to make exit signs understandable for all than the existing iso sign.

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You know, I never thought about that actually: good point. Still no reason both couldn’t be used together for the best of both worlds though.

Yeah. Green does have its advantages though: in addition to being perceived as meaning “safety”, it’s also likely unique in color from all the other lights in a typical building & thus should stand out & be locatable easier, along with being more visible in darkness according to Wikipedia, so maybe green should be the standard color in the US.

More like arrows alongside both the ISO exit symbol & the word “EXIT” for the best chances of both visibility & understanding (& to just have the best of both worlds together as I said).

I remember Canada tried to do this same transition as well however when there were interviews on what people think of the difference between the EXIT lettering and the ISO sign. Most people had no idea on what the running man through door even means and thought it was quite unusual. And yes it would be hard to see the sign in bad conditions as well especially if evacuation is nessessary.

Hence why it’d be best if everyone used the ISO symbol plus the word “EXIT” together: gives everyone the best chance of knowing what’s an exit & where it is.


Agreed big time absolutely agreed