Wierd voice evac

Does anyone know this voice evac panel?


Guesses by members of the community include the Honeywell W940, the Honeywell FS90, & the FCI FireVac III. No one seems to know for sure though.

That’s an cool whoop tone!!

Indeed: very unique for sure, as is the voice message.

I’ve seen that a long time ago, although I think the system would be a Potter system since there is another video with the same voice but similar script. Gentex Commander horn strobes can also be heard in this as well but definitely not an EVAX from what I know.

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Got a link to the video you mentioned? I’m not sure I’ve come across another video featuring such a message.

I remember it was at a large mall but somehow I can’t find it.

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There’s a video out there of the fire alarm going off at Harrah’s Las Vegas (circa 2014) that could be this exact system, not sure if it’s around, but back then, the hotel still had N/As of the same era as this one, the new system sounds like a Notifier

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Got a link? All I can find are these two Youtube videos: one doesn’t have the same tone or message (it’s said that they’re from the Cerberus Pyrotronics/Wheelock DV-100 though), & the other doesn’t have the alarm sounding at all!

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No, the Harrah’s video is just an MXL (with the DMC-1 message card, which was introduced in 1998.)
Before 1998, the MXL used the DV-100 to store and generate the messages.
Here’s what one message that those systems use sounds like (the location in this video, the BoardWalk resort at Walt Disney World, has since been upgraded so it no longer has this message): x.com
If the page does not load, click Retry, it should load after that.

Another example of an MXL with a DV-100 would be yours truly’s high school.
In the first video, note what happens after the message plays 3 times.


What? No: have you not seen the countless videos of actual MXL-V/DMC-1 systems? Not only are the messages spliced together rather than being recorded as one, they’re spoken by a male voice actor, both unlike the messages in the Harrah’s video.

Yes: that I know for sure.

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The DMC-1 has the capability to record custom messages: https://savemoreonfirealarmparts.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/simens-dmc-1-product-sheet.pdf

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Oh, okay. Where/how did you find evidence that that’s an MXL-V/DMC-1 system though?

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UPDATE: The system is most likely an FCI 7200 system with the FireVac III voice evac system. I know this because, (a), the speaker/strobes and speakers are FCI-rebranded Cerberus Pyrotronics speaker/strobes, and (b), the message script is the FCI message script.

How did you find out either of those things? Does the Entergy Tower even have that system anymore, & what are the chances of finding the voice message scripts of a rather obscure manufacturer? (or at least one that’s not as mainstream as say Notifier)

I saw another post on the forum with the exact script of the video and the answer from that post stated that it was an FCI message. I also saw the speaker/strobes in the video and saw that they were either Cerberus W-series speaker/strobes or the FCI rebrand. I am not sure about the Entergy Tower having the system anymore, and I was not able to find the script of the Gamewell/FCI message used here.

I made an MP3 of the voice evac by splicing together the whoop tone, and adding the voice message. Not the best quality, but it is better than nothing. I tried running it through one of those AI voice enhancers, but it did not work. the message consists of 8 whoops, and then the message. VoiceEvac.MP3 - Google Drive. Had to use Google Drive because the forums did not allow me to upload audio

While the make & model of that system is supposedly known now, have you noticed that the voice actor voicing the message sounds very similar to whoever voiced “Vernon” in 1980’s “Airplane!”, along with the male voice actor heard on these other two systems:
Retro Gaming Radio Interview (old) - Billy Mitchell & Steve Wiebe - YouTube
Fire alarm in Steelcase Pyramid - YouTube
The 2nd video’s description claims it’s the same guy: both are also Honeywell systems according to two different people: the former could be a Honeywell W940 (or W940B), the latter has been apparently confirmed as being a Honeywell FS90. Do you think it’s the same guy? (whoever he is: for some reason the names/identities of him & his wife, who were both voice actors for LAX’s announcements at one time, are not known) (do you suppose there’s also any link between Honeywell & FCI in that regard given some of their systems seem to use the same voice actor?)

Sorry for the bump, but a friend sent me a video of a fire alarm test in their building, and it sounds EXACTLY like the Entergy Tower. The Whoop is lower pitched, but the unusual bending is similar. And the voice sounds very similar, just a different phrase. I posted the video down below.


A very unusual system indeed, especially how it stops the whoop tone to play the message rather than waiting until the whoop tone plays a few times before doing so (not to mention seemingly cycling through random tones at, well, random). The “triple DTMF 1” tone also reminds me of the one on these systems, which also seem to have a similar voice actor. Some have said the system in the first video is Simplex, others say Cerberus Pyrotronics. Needless to say we seem to have opened quite the rabbit hole (to put it one way): now the trick is to figure out what make & model each system is.