Wierd voice evac

If it’s the case that Firecom used that tone generator, I wonder what panel it was used in. That would be two mysterious Firecom panels that use tone generators from intercom companies that make extremely interesting sounds.

No idea, though said friend says “it was probably an 8500 at one time” (which used a Bogen tone generator according to one Youtuber’s videos).

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Yeah when I said that I was talking about the 8500 and whatever the system in this hotel is.

Pretty sure the FS90 used a tone generator made by Honeywell themselves

Oh, really? Okay. Guess that just further muddles things then since now we seem to have a discrepancy: the Entergy Tower is said to have an FS90, but the Hyatt House in New Orleans apparently has a Firecom system instead, despite both having very similar whoop tones.

Honeywell rebranded a different version of Wheelock’s ET speakers. The patent above mentions the tone being transmitted to “speakers or sirens,” which might mean the different pitch is somehow due to distortion from the speaker.

Maybe, but something tells me that different videos having differently-pitched whoops is from said pitch being adjustable on the panel or tone card (like some of the cards on the 2001/2120’s “oscillator control with preamp mixer” board as shown by Nick’s Mad Science).

Most likely is: “In systems of this nature, it may be desirable to provide a fire tone signal which has a variable frequency to produce a fire tone of variable pitch such as a slow whoop.” This is what is said in the summary of the patent.

Honeywell used some third party audio components for the FS-90 systems. A couple I worked on used Ducane.

Oh okay. Guess that might mean that the systems in the various videos in this topic either have a Honeywell FS90 or another system with a Dukane tone generator then (there’s probably no way to know for sure unless someone specifically recalls seeing or hearing about what panel a particular building had however, though like I said according to a friend of mine the Entergy Tower is supposedly confirmed to have an FS90).

Might have just found another FS90 system thanks to @Illomenga23 reminding me of this video: note the whoop tone:


I’m not sure if it’s an FS90, it could most likely be an IRC-3 or another type of voice evac system.
Screenshot 2024-12-21 194357
I hope that I will get photos of the system if I ever go to this church, I also couldn’t find photos of smoke detectors in the church on Google (if there is, it’s most likely in the back hallway or areas where the incense wouldn’t set the alarms off).

Well that’s my only frame of reference for systems with that kind of whoop tone (also last I checked no Edwards/EST systems have ever had a whoop that sounded like the FS90’s).

Yeah yall. I visited a place nearby with a similar system to the entergy tower (https://youtube.com/shorts/-5Sxq5_EIT4) I’ll post updates on what I saw later

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What pulls did they have there?

FireLite and notifier bg-12’s
But the majority of signals were fci, and detectors were Apollo (what fci used)

I can’t upload photos just yet rn but I made a post on my YouTube showing what I saw: http://youtube.com/post/UgkxWoTkHWd97JboE5TlYz7Z9AkDmbmZFsTL

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