yellow fire alarms.

Exactly. I thought the fire marshal (or someone from the local city) was supposed to approve fire alarm installations, but I guess someone went wrong somewhere.

Most likely the fire marshall overlooked that or there must be some other reasons why there are nothing in the actual theater.

Or maby when it was built it was not required.

Good point, I didn’t think about that.

yes, a commander 3

Funny that we should mention there being no NA’s in theater screening rooms, because my theater has about 6 Wheelock E-70’s per screening room. The screening rooms aren’t huge or anything. The two on the back wall are probably about 6 yards away from each other.

I wonder if code requires N/As to be in the actual theater rooms now?

I’m not sure, but it probably depends on your state/county/etc. It may be a new practice, but the oldest theater I’ve been in and noticed the alarms was the Rave with SpectrAlert classic speaker/strobes.