You Know You Like Fire Alarms When (2.0)

You listen more carefully to a conversation in a building when you hear it’s about the fire alarm.

You go into a public restroom just to see the NA in there.

When a new large store is being built in the area, something you’re curious about is what the fire alarm system will be.

I am so guilty of that it is not even funny. I was so pissed off when my college replaced the 4051 hors with Advanced speakers that it is not even funny.

60/120HZ gets your adrenaline rushing, reminding you of old horns (guilty)
You jump out of your skin when you hear certain timbres/pitches that remind you of fire alarms you have heard before (guilty)

I’m guilty for both, lol.

Get excited when you guys have a fire drill (guilty)

Feel extremely happy when the principal lets you reset the panel and take a picture but you’re hiding the excitement (extremely guilty)

Always wanting to conduct the fire drill in your school (guilty)

  1. Guilty, I overheard guests at the hotel I was staying at said the fire alarms went off the night before. I guess I arrived one day too late. It apparently was a malfunctioning beam detector in the indoor pool atrium because I saw the LED’s on it were whacky and a Simplex service guy was at the hotel the next day.

  2. Not guilty. Not my first priority at least…

  3. Guilty. But I always wait and see. I’m curious about other things going on during the building process of a building too. :lol:

I am not guilty of the other two, but the first one I am.

Guilty on all of them here (although I wonder about any building being built, not just big stores)

You Know You Like Fire Alarms When…

  • You go to flea markets just to find fire alarms. (guilty)
  • You almost wire a 7002T to an alarm clock. (guilty)
  • You know how old a building is because of the fire alarm. (guilty)
  • You want to start your own fire alarm company. (guilty, but brief)

You know you like fire alarms when…
Every flash of a strobe makes you turn at the fire alarm (Guilty)
You draw fire alarms (Guilty every day)
You are sad when scottparsons2008 smashes a spectralert (Guilty)
You are here on The Fire Panel every day (Guilty)
You have a fire alarm on your birthday cake (Guilty)

guilty of all of them

-When you carry a camera everywhere with you, just in case you happen to catch a fire alarm going off somewhere (guilty)
-When you see a FA renovation going on, you check the garbage bins for old alarms (innocent)
-When they tear down a building and you look through the rubble for FAs (guilty)
-You take normal speakers, mount them around the house, connect them to your computer and play a voice evacuation message over them (guilty once)

I will go again.

When your board you make fire alarm noises (innocent)

when you go to buildings and imagin a fire alarm system you would put in there (guilty)

when you walk into buildings and say “hey i have that alarm” (innocent)

I don’t think that there is a limit to how many times you can post in the topic.

When you get pissed off for buildings switching out alarms that were rare or that you liked

When you ask to pull the alarm for a drill

When you put a simplex Tbar button attached to a wheelock 10" bell on your refrigerator door so you scare the shit out of your parents when they open it up (LOL, Guilty)

When you have a collection of 100+ alarms

You know you like fire alarms when…

You own a fire alarm that no one else seems to know about. (Guilty as charged! XD)

What would that be? :smiley:

When you take a FA and sound it off outside your friends dorm room as a prank(guilty)
When you try to find the FA’s every time you go into a building(guilty)
When you look online to find pics of rare or old alarms(guilty)
Dumpster diving for old alarms(guilty)
Pulling a working pull station(NOT guilty!)
Tempted to pull a working pull station(guilty)
Replacing your doorbell with an alarm(not guilty, thought about it)
Using a pull station as a light switch(not guilty, not recommended*)
Leaving phone numbers at places with cool alarms when you see some other work being done.(guilty)

*since most pull stations are only rated for 24 volts, but 120 volt 3 amp pulls are out there, and it would be a nuisance to reset it to turn the light of all the time.

That is illegal, it’s also just stupid.

-You blink your eyes like a strobe when watching fire alarm videos (VERY Guilty)
-Your iPhone has the camera flasher on and your ringtone is a 7002T (Guilty)
-You hope somebody pulls the fire alarm at school (Always in the back of my mind)
-You point out to your friends the fire alarms when your with them (Guilty Once so far)
-You pull your own alarm off when your family is sleeping and say “Surprise Fire Drill!” weekly (Not yet :wink:)

Well that’s just a d**k move. I would not do that.