Your Plans for Spring Break

Spring is in the air, and do some of you have plans arranged (trips, celebrations, etc.) for the week? I plan to visit Eastern Michigan University tomorrow with my mother (it will be my future school as an adult) to discuss with a representative what the place is like (and you can count on me getting alarms from there). Today, me and my mother also plan to go to an antique store to sell some stuff, but that is about it.

My spring break was almost a month ago. But I had a good time.

I had spring break about a month ago. I don’t usually go anywhere, just stay home and relax. This past break I did go to a fire protection products show and had a good time speaking with representatives from various manufacturing firms.

spring break was a month ago for me. went to california to sightsee and to see my sister whose in school at stanford. got to go to san francisco and do fisherman’s wharf, alcatraz, lombard street, etc. it was a great trip.