I’m trying to figure out what system my elementary school had, particularly the horns and panel. I remember little about the system since I wasn’t really interested in fire alarms at the time, but here’s what I do remember:
- The panel was a small, roughly 18"x18" flush-mounted red cabinet in the main office. The door had a glass window revealing several large incandescent lamps. I remember the power, alarm, and trouble lamps were on the very bottom row. I also remember that there were zone labels of some sort on the upper rows.
- Alarms looked like 4050 horns but were on a red backplate. They actually kind of sounded like a 4050 too (based on videos). Horns were surface mounted to the plate. The vibrating plate was red, not silver. Horns were in continuous.
- Pulls were the older BNG-1s, something I remember very vividly.
- Don’t remember the smokes, but was able to find older Chemtronics black/silver heat detectors in the kitchen via a Twitter post.
Would 4050s actually be used on a Notifier system from the 70s/was there even a Notifier panel that outputted 12VAC to the NACs? I’ve looked everywhere and cannot seem to find any panel that fits this description, but I vividly remember the lamps and Notifier badge. It definitely was not a retrofit panel. It was apparently in service until summer 2019, when it was replaced with a 4007ES with TrueAlerts and 4099 pulls (likely a planned system upgrade).
Some pictures:
A side view of the older horns (terrible pic, but only one I could find online):
Where an older horn once was, a TrueAlert is now:
4007ES in all its glory (the older Notifier panel was located in another room, actually right behind that wall, and I couldn’t find any pics of it):