Building a FACP

Have you ever considered building a microprocessor-based panel, using hardware like Picaxe?

With these, you can program I/O ports, use NAC coding, and even hook up an LCD display!

I am going to build one eventually but I want to start out with the basics first. It also would cost me more money (With me I either load things with features or don’t get it).

An Arduino Uno would be the better solution for this instead of a PICAXE bootloaded chip. The PICAXE chip has SO MANY limitations compared to an Arduino, besides I prefer C to BASIC.

Yeah, I would either use Arduino or something new that comes out before I build that panel.

Just for kicks I made a schematic for a 1 zone panel that is more cut down. Kind of like the 5001 but I am giving people permission to build this one (Don’t know about the 5001). Feel free to use this one if you want (if there are no errors) just give me credit if you make a YouTube video about it or whatever. If your house burns down or something bad happens I am not responsible for this panel.

I might make an 8 zone, the 2800 for kicks, too but I’m not sure yet.

I gave permission to use the 5001… Looks like I have some competition. :wink:

I didn’t know that… Lol. I guess it depends on who’s logo looks cooler to the consumer.

lol what do logos have to do with it?

when there are two things that are similar people usually choose the logo they like better XD
I know I have bought the brand of computer part at micro center that had the most professional logo, that usually looked the best.
I might make an 8 zone version of the panel too, if I get bored and want to do something. It will be the 2800 (See the trend?)

Not always…

I can give you several examples of places with ugly-ass logos that are MUCH more friendlier and better than the big box stores that pay someone six figures to design a cutting edge logo.

One of those places is a locally owned electronics store that is 3x the size/stock of radioshack… and their logo is pretty much the name of their business typed in a serif font with no pizzaz or anything… yet they are widely known in the area for having real nice / helpful people and very reasonable prices.

What you’ve stated here is people judge the store based on its logo – to use the old idiom “…book by its cover”

I don’t feel like going into detail about “sheep theory” if you want to call it that but I do see what you are saying, physical appearance has more appeal to blind shoppers… that’s why you have to be smart and look all over the place first.

Lol wow.

Weird, an error popped up in the middle of my post and deleted it…

Yeah, I suppose. But our basic panels are almost the same thing so it really boils down to the brand, logo, model, opinion. Kind of a dumb statement on my behalf about the logos, but nobody is perfect… yet.
I also designed a pull station for no reason maybe because I was bored…

Actually it comes down to what people know. People know Andrew, they are more likley to use his design. They know he has tested it and worked hard on it. Not something he just pulled out of his arse.

I have worked hard on my schematic too, Jake. The only reason I made a one zone panel was because I thought Andrew did not allow it to be reproduced. I am not actually counting on a million people to build my panel, because they can design their own, buy a real one, or use Andrew’s. In fact I really don’t think anybody except me and my friends would build it.

facepalm That was my 50th post and I forgot to mention it like I wanted…
Maybe I should slow down a little bit.

Just an update: I will be buying the parts to this panel as well as parts for an annunciator in a few weeks or so (need $20). I will record a video of me building it and testing it.

15,000 posts on TFP!
I ordered the parts yesterday. I will make a video of it soon.
I also ordered a 7002T and a 2424 Smoke detector.

That’s because this forum was originally on The Schumin Web. I moved the forum to Inertia Networks and Andrew (NewAgeServer) now runs the place.

I got some parts today.
The alarm relay, LEDs, and resistors.
I did not know that, thanks for the info!

Sorry if this is considered a bump, but this is kind of important to the progress of the building of the panel.
I got most of the parts in and assembled them, but I am still waiting on the buttons from China. Slideshow

Great move!

Not only do you buy parts from China, but you eliminate the US middleman as well!