Just last night I had a dream that my college still had their 4051+4050-80s up and they went off while I was in math class during a test.
Last night: There was an Edwards 270 series, but the pull handle looked like
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#2: I had a http://www.ebay.com/itm/BRK-Smoke-Detector-Model-5919TH-with-135-degree-thermal-sensor-/251594306265?pt=BI_Security_Fire_Protection&hash=item3a943072d9 BRK 5919TH, (smoke detector with 135° heat sensor) but instead of the heat sensor there
was a clear test button. It was rather large and had a flat surface, alot like the button on the SmokeGard 907.
Here’s another one I had (this was a while back, actually). I was in a school, supposedly during a fire drill, and the alarms were Simplex SmartSync TrueAlert horn/strobes doing code-3, but the pitch of the TrueAlerts were unusually high (they were about the same nominal pitch of a -9219). Also, I went by a 4603 annunciator, which seem to have been already acknowledged, since I didn’t recall hearing it buzz.
Also, going a bit off topic, but I’ve created another topic that’s exactly like this one, but not relating to fire alarms: Dreams/Fantasies in General]. Feel free to post any non-fire alarm related dreams you had in that topic.
Sorry to bump a topic last posted on in 2014, but I had this dream years ago that me and my family along with a bunch of other people were in this building that was apparently a theater. I mean, it had a large fold-down screen in front of rows of seats, so I assumed that’s what it was. I also recall the building mainly being made of wood, suggesting an 1800s-era building, (though I assume that the dream took place the same year I dreamt it) as well as having a large window (so large that it literally stretched from floor to ceiling) through which you could see a bridge and road outside the building that cars were passing by on. There was also a thick forest next to the road. I was near the back of the building, in a little “nook” you might say, (there was a small “room” or “space” at the back of the building next to and behind the back wall) when suddenly I looked out the window and saw that the forest had caught fire! And I kid you not: within SECONDS EVERY SINGLE TREE was up in flames! I did what’s natural instinct to fire protection buffs: I looked wildly around for the nearest pull station to activate so I could alert everyone else and get them out of the building. I found one on the wall to the left of me in the “nook”, it was only after I had activated it that I realized it was a CODED pull station, a Simplex-esque one to be exact. (which were also rebranded by companies like Faraday and Couch) I don’t recall what the code plate on the bottom said exactly, but I do recall the last number being “13”. (I believe the plate had 3 digits on it, with the first two being single-digit numbers) By this time everyone had started panicking and rushing to get out of the building. Since it’s been years since I had this dream, I BELIEVE I recall the actual alarm sounding like a bell despite being a Wheelock 34T! After that I woke up. Again, been years since I had that dream so the details are a little fuzzy. I can’t recall any other fire alarm-related dreams I might have had, and I haven’t dreamed in some years either.
By the way, I’m back somewhat, I know my last post was over 4 years ago, but over time I forgot about both that I had an account on this site and fire alarms in general, but I’m happy to say that for both of those things I’m somewhat back.
Don’t know if this counts but I have a couple interesting ones:
I know these dreams are based off of real events and thoughts I have had.
Starting with the older dream:
I find myself at the elementary school I went to for preschool. I’m here before the 2013 fire alarm upgrade, so the system that was there was the 1995 system, same as it was when I was in preschool. The system was as follows: The newer Gentex SHGs, Notifier BNG-1Rs, System Sensor 2400s, and a Notifier System 5000. (Everything except the SHGs is solely remembering really hard and speculations.) Anyways, I’m sitting in a classroom towards the back of the school, bored out of my mind. In this classroom, there is a pull station for some reason. I walk up to this pull station, look at it very intently. There seems to be no one else in the building except me. So what do I do? Standing face to face with the station, I reach up, and pull. About a second later, the sound of SHGs in continuous fill the school. I am now running through the familiar halls, running towards the front entrance. In just seconds it seems, I run out the front doors. I hear the sound I remember as the outdoor MT the school had. But to my complete and utter shock, I find myself in a busy, unfamiliar parking lot. I continue running. About 100 feet from the building, I turn around to see I had run out of what looked like a giant strip mall instead of the school. Horrified, I continue to run into a nearby field as the sound of that MT slowly fades into the distance. I don’t remember the rest of the dream from this point, but there it is.
The second dream was just last night.
I’m at my church/actual elementary school. I am here in the present day with a group of unknown friends to explore the building. This is reminiscent of me actually trying to find a Siemens MXL panel I know is there, but haven’t seen yet. Anyway, I find myself in the oldest area of the building, walking down the hallway. I find a storage/janitorial area that I had never seen and doesn’t exist irl. Upon entering, I find out the room is huge, and looks unlike anything I’d ever seen. It looked like a kid’s indoor play place and a gigantic basement had a baby, and seemed eerily quiet and sterile. I see cool equipment, hvac systems, plumbing, conduit, and all kinds of other things you would find in such a room scattered around. The next thing I know, I’m in the cafeteria. I immediately head to the back table storage area, and discover an unknown corridor. This corridor lead to a whole network of tunnels and strange rooms I had never seen. After what seemed like forever, I found myself in a large, open basement area with 20’ high ceilings, standing on a catwalk. I climb down a ladder onto the main floor. Looking over onto the far wall, I see an absolutely incredible sight. This wall had about 10 fire panels on it, complete with lots of conduit and one of those giant long electrical boxes. There was the aforementioned MXL panel, a Simplex 4100U, a Silent Knight SK-5208, the main Notifier System 5000, some sort of Silent Knight dialer, three Siemens PAD-3 NAC extenders about 12’ high, to name a few. I proceeded to take lots and lots of pictures before going back up onto the catwalk. The catwalk became a normal hallway again, and about 50’ down this hall a door opened into the other side of the building, in the restroom area in the school lobby. At this point I feel completely trippy and mind blown, and then I wake up.
My mind is a weird place.
Gonna revive this topic with a few of my own. I wouldn’t consider myself a collector, just a mere “lightweight” enthusiast that likes to play around with big panels and fancy systems in my free time. Nevertheless, fire alarms have made their way into my dreams.
This first one is from a very long time ago when I was around 4-5 years old and is a very strange and unusual experience I had. I was terrified of smoke alarms (not fire alarms strangely enough) and was always afraid of the low battery chirp going off while I was asleep. The one that scared the most was a Family Gard one my parents had in the upstairs hallway. For whatever reason the design/look of it was scary to me, like it was a monster that would jump off the wall and start chasing me. I started to have nightmares about it. In these nightmares the smoke alarm was flying around, chasing after me and I tried to escape it by various means (hiding in my room, running out of the house etc). One time I had made it into my backyard, only to find that the smoke alarm was hiding in a tree waiting for me. I told my parents finally and they actually got rid of that smoke alarm, putting another one up a few feet away (the new one was a First Alert). The bizarre nightmares stopped and I have never had nightmares or even any dreams about smoke alarms since.
These next few are fire alarm related and occurred very recently (within the last year).
For the first one I was at my parents house, and my dad had opened up the back door and on the screen door (the back door was replaced around 10 years ago and no longer has a screen door) was a 4100U panel (yes, the panel was mounted to the door). It was mounted on this sort of plywood, and had a few troubles. I opened it up and pressed Trouble Ack to see what the troubles were, then the dream shifted to a different part that wasn’t related to fire alarms.
For the second one, I was in this apartment/dorm. There was a Simplex Truealarm on the ceiling, and my friend took it down. Instead of plugging into the base, there was a USB-C port connecting it to the system. A USB-C wire stuck out of the ceiling to plug into the detector. We got a wall charger and USB-C cable and plugged it into the wall, and the LED started blinking. My friend then took out another truealarm from a drawer, this one had a panel on the back to insert AA batteries. This friend is not even remotely interested in fire alarms in real life.
This reminds me of these mechanical remote control station for smoke vent with misleading captions on the panel. It just say “FIRE - PULL” and doesn’t mention anything like “SMOKE VENT RELEASE”, so I previously misbelieved that these are just another type of fire alarm pull station.
I had a super weird fire alarm dream that I was in my library and they were replacing the fire alarms. I received a Vibratone 350 and I soon went into the auditorium, where there were two E70s that were on either side of the auditorium, like this: (not like this in reality)
And even weirder, the E70s were REBRANDED by two fictional companies that I never heard of: “STAART” and “NIIV.” (Photos of what they looked like are attached) One of them had an orange speaker cone, which made it a CH70. I then ran across the room to one of the E70s and straight onto the stage. I then woke up after that.
Another dream that I had was where I found a BG-10, a Silent Knight annunciator, and a Simplex strobe in a garbage can in the Italian Center of Stamford gym.
I once had a dream that I got like 550 devices from my teacher
The smokies in your last dream probably have some sort of wireless linkage like 433MHz LoRa with the FACP.
I keep having random dreams of my old high school. See, it used to have a rare 6500 system with Edwards 23/24 single stroke bells, original to the building since 1966. Now, I was supposed to scrap the entire system, as the school was supposed to be demolished and rebuilt in 2018/19. Well, that never happened, and the 6500 either died or something, and it was upgraded to a Notifier panel, and all the single stroke bells were ripped out.
So every so often I keep getting dreams of the school again, but with the old 6500 and the single stroke bells. I think once the system in my dream was upgraded to a Mircom FX-2000 with horns.
I had a dream last night that I was in the hall of my high school and on either side of me there were simplex 4030s and they sounded BUT they sounded like a EST Integraty for some reason and then I woke up Really wierd dream in my opinion
I had a dream that there was a surprise fire drill at my school randomly during ELA class.
I had a dream where I got an nib two stage century
I had an interesting one last night:
I was at my church where, in real life, there are three Lithonia (?) LED exit signs that replaced old Dual-Lite signs that looked like this:
But above the new units, there was an old, yellowed, and dirty Lithonia exit sign (not there in real life) rebranded by a company named “All-Pro” that is not there in real life (NOT ONE OF THE LED UNITS) that looked like this:
I had a dream where LeBron James’s high school was imploded (demolished with explosives) and before the demolition, myself, Glenn James (Old School Fire Alarms), MrTrueAlert, sirenfreak57, Frozen Fan 765 (Akron area enthusiasts), and several other enthusiasts salvaged the fire alarm system from there. OSFA salvaged the majority; I salvaged four 4050 horns (including one with a broken grill and another that was painted over, both of which I would send to restoration channels on YouTube), two 4090 bells (used as class change bells), a 4255 heat sensor, a 4251-20, and two 4251-30s (one with all the glass panel components missing and another one with the shot glass frame, which would be used for parts for other 4251-30s). The other enthusiasts also got one of each device for their collections. Later that day, we all explored an abandoned school that had most of the vintage FA system removed by scrappers, we were all able to salvage whatever hardware was left. I also salvage some rare intercom speakers and donated them to various radio history museums.
Sounds like an awesome dream to me: let’s hope that we can make it reality anytime there’s an actual demolition going on.
I remember being in the bathroom on the 7th floor of a hotel/convention center where a EST Genesis strobe above me started flashing after the Simplex default voice evacuation started playing over the speakers. I remember running down several different types of curved staircases which in order to get to the next set I’d have to run across the hall to get to another part. I’ve met all the other fursuiters right outside on the sidewalk while it was still playing and after the FD showed up yep its a false alarm.
it actually may be happening sometime after I graduate next spring.
Once my school district finally decides to go demolish the high school I graduated from (Should be anytime after next year maybe) I’ll go over there to collect as much remains as I can as well.