Fire Alarm Dreams/Fantasies...

Sorry to necropost, but I have a fire alarm dream that I had a little while ago.

I was at the Stamford Town Center, and in the Barnes and Noble, but the layout was a little different than normal! Randomly, the fire alarms went off in the whole mall, but the Genesis horn/strobes (inside B&N) were speaker/strobes instead! The message that was playing (if I remember correctly) was the Simplex message that says “Do not use the elevator. Walk to the nearest stairway.” I went through an emergency exit door in the children’s section (not normally there), which took me through long corridors with Simplex 4903 speakers on light plates, which eventually took me to the seventh floor of the parking garage (Barnes and Noble is on the fourth floor of the mall- THIS CORRIDOR DOES NOT EXIST.) The garage alarms were the same, but the 4251-30 pull stations were replaced by newer dual-action T-bars! The layout was different: the corkscrew ramp that is normally at the exit of the garage was replaced by a zigzag ramp, which led to the normal mall garage exit on Tresser Boulevard. I then exited the mall and eventually learned that a child accidentally pulled a pull station in the mall. Finally, I remember seeing an EST annunciator by the B&N entrance that is not usually there like this:

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Is that an actual display malfunction or did you edit it to say “System is Formal”?

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It was just a picture grabbed off Google (the photo was not taken at the Barnes and Noble)

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Ah okay. What an odd LCD malfunction…

This is another dream I had a little while ago…

I was in a middle school in upstate CT for a debate competition and the system was a Simplex 4100U/4100ES panel (I remember the panel being mounted by the entrance, which was in a large glass atrium.) The pulls were dual-action T-bars, and the alarms were TrueAlert speaker/strobes. I also remember seeing some Wheelock MTs near the cafeteria and main office area.

Mixed system with system sensor and notifier equipment which i would see. this came to reality for me actually. Also i want to see a notifier or system sensor which is UL listed here. I have seen detectors which are used in american systems but the counter part i see are En54 and sometimes both but i want to see only UL and more mixed en54/ul components.

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This is a fuzzy dream, but last night, I had a dream that I was in some kind of store (convenience store??) and the alarms were SpectrAlert Classics, with the pulls being BG-12s. I vaguely remember some people fighting for some reason over a lottery ticket (??) and the alarms went off in Code 3.

I can imagine some little kid getting jealous and pulling it since it’s right there and trying to get revenge on everyone.


Last night was a very weird one…

I was in some sort of a large school cafeteria that appeared to have cathedral ceilings for some reason. I came into here after going around the school, which for some reason was used as an office building and one of the offices (I remember it had tall glass windows) was showing some terrifying versions of the Decode Entertainment logo on a Samsung Smart TV. I was intrigued by this and stayed in the office and got more terrified! I was terrified and sprinted back to the cafeteria. I remember the school/office area having Simplex TrueAlert speaker/strobes. The cafeteria had EST Pre-Integrity speaker/strobes in white and Wheelock ET-1070 speaker/strobes mounted unusally high on the walls. The pull stations were 270-SPOs, and the smokes were unknown. I remember some kid in the building pulled one of the 270-SPOs, and the system went off, playing the Wheelock Safepath voice evacuation message. I then exited the cafeteria through a porch sliding glass door and the dream changed. The panels were most likely a Simplex 4007ES and a Safepath.

Tonight, we present to you: A Church Fire Alarm Activation!

I was at my church and the priest decided to begin using the incense at the 5:30 p.m. service. However, he put a lot of incense inside the thurible! As he approached the church’s altar, a lot of the incense escaped the thurible and traveled to the ceiling! However, on the sanctuary ceiling, there are 3 System Sensor beam smoke detectors installed up there. One of those detectors was tripped, and the fire alarms did not activate yet. Some time passed, and then SpectrAlert Classics began sounding in Code 3! However, the volume was lower than normal. We all evacuated the church, but it was nighttime, and it was fully dark out! I also remember the church’s layout being different than normal (having three stories instead of two.) On the second floor (unlike normal), there were Religious Ed classrooms with windows that looked out onto the lawn that are not normally there, which strangely had Wheelock Exceder horn/strobes inside! After that, some people went to the Fire-Lite MS-9200UD panel in the church hall closet and the system was silenced and reset. The dream changed after that. I remember there being so much incense that ALL the stained glass windows and exit doors had to be opened!


I had a quite interesting dream last night! I was in the East Hills Mall (the mall where they filmed the Terrible Mall Commercial) and was walking through the mall, passing by all the closed stores that were in the commercial (such as MasterCuts and American Eagle). I then ended up at the abandoned Sears, which they were about to entirely demolish. I walked in the Sears, and they were removing Honeywell-rebranded Wheelock 34 horns on double-projector backboxes, strangely, Edwards 270-SPO pulls, as well as EST Genesis remote strobes on the trim plates! I asked for some devices, and they gave me TWO Honeywell-rebranded Wheelock 34s, one 270-SPO, and one Genesis! I remember flying back to JFK Airport and thinking “I can’t wait to post about it on the Fire Panel Forums!”

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When I was in India for Summer vacation, I had a dream of unboxing a Wheelock Exceeder hornstrobe in the US.

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Had a dream of an EST system going off at a hotel in Orange County, CA. It started with pre-alarm with the EST airhorn on code 3 while at the crappy restaurant on the first floor. The second stage was just the 1600 Hz tone you’d hear on Canadian EST3 systems, with the message being some random dude telling you to evacuate.

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I wish I could remove a green dual Lite LT black housing from a building (not a fire alarm yes)

I wish I could remove an abandoned ADT rebranded MS-5 system which had spectralerts and 2-WBs from a strip mall. Is it legal to do so? The system doesn’t have power AT ALL.

I’m sorry but this is not the topic to ask such a question in: create a new topic specifically for that.

No. Don’t. It would be trespassing also stealing