Flash tube probably burned up
That ANN-80 seems oddly skinny.
Well, I have a TON of fails from Florida, where I am on vacation!
Remember the CVS annunciator that was blocked by shopping carts that had the key in it? Well, it’s back, with THE KEY STILL INSIDE and STILL BEING BLOCKED BY CARTS! But, the display is now on!
And, this BG-12 is blocked by a display at this CVS!
I have also seen many panels open and still with the key inside in Florida! (FCI 7100 with key inside AND Wheelock Powerpath with key inside)
At Two Drunken Goats, the system was never reset and the strobes were still flashing!
(Video of the strobe going off)
This is a ceiling-mounted Wheelock RSS on the wall at a Chili’s restaurant in Palm Beach International Airport, Palm Beach, Florida:
I’ve Seen an Advance Wall mount on a Celling in Mackinac Island.
Pulled BG-12 at Señor Frogs in Nassau, Bahamas. No signals sounding, System is seemingly powered off. (Taken February 27, 2024)
We had a fire alarm fail at school today. During first period, the alarm went off and we went outside. Apparently, a ball hit a pull station in the gym. With this being a new school, they haven’t put the protective covers over the pull stations in the gym yet. The pull stations are Siemens XMS-S’, which are notoriously easy to pull. At least we know the system works after last week when they had a drill and they couldn’t get the signals to sound.
I found another Fire Alarm Fail. A Wall Mounted Genesis on a Bathroom Celling. I don’t even think those are listed for the Celling.
They are not listed for ceiling use because the strobe has a 180° flash pattern compared to the ceiling mount which would have a 360° flash pattern.
EST Integrity speaker/strobe seemingly taped over for a while to the point where the tape is falling off in a bathroom at Orlando International Airport
You mean, Ɛ ɹǝpuɐɯɯoƆ xǝʇuǝפ
That’s really not good. It probably means that the system is dead. Either that, or it’s just silenced. Either way, they system has lost a good part of its functionality.
why did they mount the signal so low? usually, it would be mounted towards the top of the door frame
I have absolutely no idea why they would do that. Most of the signals in that building appear to be at normal height.