Hobbyists when they see this place: Hot digity dog! This place is magnificent!
Fr. There aren’t any alarms in the units that are on the system tho. I’ve never seen devices like that.
I have seen two KS-6931 pull stations on eBay!!
thisis from my brothers school
my elemetary school was wierd it had 4 classrooms in one pod and each room had 2 remote strobe but in the middle by the partitian there was 1 horn for all 4 pods and in 1 hall there were 3 strobes close to eachother 2 were across from eachother and 1 betweeb them on the celling
Pull stations:
<EST SIGA-278 models
<RSG RMS-series “Lift & Pull” models in outdoor common areas–it is unknown which company branded them (Siemens?).
Edwards also rebrands the RSG pulls. Here’s an example.
A ton of companies rebrand RSG’s RMS-1T: it’s gotta be the most-rebranded device ever at this point.
Pretty much every obscure fire alarm brand has their own varient of the RSG RMS-1T.
Today I went to Joann fabrics in south tacoma. Right by where the enterance/exit is has a Tyco branded BG-12 and it’s announciator was beeping “trouble 972 bell 2” I asked whats causing it and the employees said their technician hasn’t figured out how to fix it.
dang thats a cool find
This weekend, I attended events at two historic schools in my area. I thought I’d share these buildings’ systems as I found them rather interesting.
The first school is a public high school that occupies a four-storey building; it was built in different phases beginning in 1874. The current setup appears to have been installed in the late 1990s and features a Mircom panel (likely an FX-2000) with a two-bay RA-1000 annunciator in the main entrance. The pull stations are older Mircom MS-401s (with grey instruction labels instead of white ones), while the heat detectors are MIR-600s and the smoke detectors are newer MIX-2251s; the smoke detector heads are mounted on yellowed System Sensor bases that are missing their trim rings, leading me to believe that they are replacing older heads. The signals in the hallways and common are “classic” SpectrAlert horn/strobes, while the ones in the classrooms are Mircom MH-24 mini horns (rebranded Amseco MH-24s).
The second school is a K-12 private school; the main building (which is the only one I visited) has three floors and was built in different phases beginning in 1925. This school has a Simplex system with 4602 RCU and SCU annunciators (mounted in a stainless steel 4602 cabinet). The pull stations are older T-bars with bilingual lettering, and the heat detectors are older Thermoflex models that appear to be from the 1970s or 1980s. The smoke detectors are a mix of Simplex 12098-9505s (ionization “wiffle ball” detectors), System Sensor 1400s and System Sensor i3s. The signals are Wheelock MT horns, many of which are mounted on older-looking trim plates. The two photos below show some of the devices I saw in this building.
Novi United Methodist Church (Novi) - This church was built in a series of additions starting in the 1960s. However, through observation, it does not appear the church got its own fire alarm system installed until the 1990s. It follows a similar setup with St. Paul’s United Church of Christ in Dearborn Heights despite the ages of both buildings.
<Unknown, presumably a Simplex 4001 or 4004
<Older First Alert CO600-series plug-in or battery-operated carbon monoxide detectors
Pull stations:
<Simplex 2099-9102 models enclosed by STI Stopper II covers
Notification appliances:
<Simplex 4903-series horn/strobes
<Simplex 4904-series strobes
Some more details from Boston Logan International Airport.
Terminal B
This is one of many Simplex systems at Logan.
Pulls: 4099-9006’s
Detectors: TrueAlarms
Signals: TrueAlert speaker/strobes…
…and some 4903 speaker/strobes.
There used to be Wheelock E-9070-IS-24-CFW speaker/strobes in some areas, but they’ve fallen victim to refurbishments.
Terminal C
I’ve already discussed this system extensively on here, but there are 2 extra things…
- The check-in hall has some Wheelock E70 speaker/strobes mounted on poles attached to the check-in desks, in addition to the TrueAlert speaker/strobes mounted on the walls.
- The chapel (yes, there’s a chapel here) has an old, disconnected Edwards 802-2B strobe. I was quite surprised to see Edwards equipment in any of the terminals at Logan!
If only that Edwards strobe could be saved. They’re hard to find, especially in the wild.
In Deerwood MN Country Inn Deerwood built 1978
Pull Stations NBG12 And Edwards 270-SPO
Alarms Edwards 882-2B Horn and System Sensor P2RL
Outside Wheelock 34T Horn
I agree. Those strobes are super rare.
Orlando International Airport
Main Terminal
Has a rather varied EST system. Some of the SIGA-278’s are on extension adapters and some are inside cabinets.
Airside 1
Pulls: EST SIGA-278’s
Detectors: Not many in the public areas but there are beam detectors near the automated people mover.
Signals: Genesis speaker/strobes and some 960-series speaker/strobes.
That’s unique for a WinCo. Usually I see WinCos with Bosch or Silent Knight with the newer locations.