The difference is that newer fast food restaurants have been popping up in my area with fire alarm systems. An old McDonald’s near me was torn down and rebuilt on the same property. The old one had no alarm system, and the new one has SpectrAlert Advance Horn/Strobes. There might be new code out requiring some type of notification to be put in fast food restaurants but I don’t know for sure.
You know what’s funny? I’ve never seen a fast food restaurant without a fire alarm system up here in RI/Mass!
Talk about irony… :mrgreen:
That Burger King was new, and that Krispy Kreme was pretty old. New fast food restaurants don’t have fire alarm systems in my area. The old ones also have those smoke annunciators (it was probably installed during a renovation).
Yeah. It probably depends on the area. Fast food restaurants may be required to have fire alarm systems in some areas. No fast food places I’ve been in, in my area have fire alarm systems.
It was a bigger part of the building and I think that the building itself used to be something else. There were only two with one in the kitchen and one near the exit.
Few new interesting fire alarm finds when I went exploring today:
McDonald’s State College:
White EST Genesis Horn/Strobes insides with the classic Edwards Pull Stations a SpectrAlert Advance WP Horn/Strobe outside.
I had a hard time finding the Genesis because they were white and blended in with the decor so well. :lol:
For my privacy I’m not stating any dorm names or residence areas but I can confirm my future dorm has a Cerberus Pyrotronics (CP) MXL System with U-MMT’s. That’s all I really saw today because I can’t access inside the building yet. Like I said before, 9 times out of 10, you’ll find this type of alarm system. It’s probably networked into a main command center somewhere on campus.
The Commons/Dining Hall within that complex also has an CP MXL, I saw the annunciator. It has a mix of alarms, U-MMT’s wall mounted and Wheelock ZNS Horn/Strobes that were ceiling mounted. The ZNS’s look as if it was a future addition to account for more strobe coverage in the original areas, as well as in the newly renovated areas. Pull Stations are all MS-51’s. Definitely reminds me of the main classroom building at the branch campus I attended my first year.
The HUB (Union Building) has a CP system, possibly older so I can’t say for sure it’s an MXL. Currently, it has CP MTL-S15-S Horn/Strobes and Strobe variations. Pull Stations were MS-51’s again. The HUB is undergoing renovations right now so maybe the alarm system will be upgraded or expanded upon in the near future. I’m sure I’ll update when I find out.
That’s all I know for now. Of course in 3 weeks I’m going to try and explore even further and find all my classrooms before my semester starts, especially since I’m moving up a day early and have all day Saturday to myself before orientation that Sunday (August 25th)! I’ll give a final update before classes start hopefully.
Not in a building, but this was a house up for sale by my aunts house (she lives in a VERY private neighborhood, its like a town but very private, and much smaller) And they had this in that house. It was wired to the security system but the system looked OLD. I think it was Brinks or Ademco. And the only signal was a Wheelock MIZ white horn in the living room. I took this picture privately upstairs, where the only smoke is. And I was going to take a pic of the MIZ but no pictures were allowed downstairs nor upstairs but i took this without them knowing. This picture was taken on 05/27/13.
The other picture was taken on 04/28/12 and is very strange. This is actually the only spot with a classic. The rest had Advances, I thought it was pretty strange because the advance that was here died and was replaced with a classic. Didn’t System Sensor discontinue the Classic after the Advance came out? BTW, the advance was there until around December of 2012. VERY strange.
That older SpectrAlert was probably new-old-stock. It’s like the reverse of what I usually see: Advances replacing the Classic version.
The SpectrAlert Classic was discontinued sometime in 2006. It’s been discontinued for a long time.
That’s right. But I still do see them in many early/mid 2000s Honeywell-subsidiary systems, along with the SpectrAlert Advance on newer ones. In fact, my college used to have a “Classic” SpectrAlert in the Student Union’s old computer lab, but it was replaced in early 2009 with a U-MMT horn/strobe. (Ironically, three other buildings there have SpectrAlert Advance horn/strobes as their alarm signals!)
I remember eating at a restaurant built in 2006 that had the “Classic” SpectrAlerts. I am pretty sure it was the last system to be installed in the area with them.
The Classic may have been the only alarm that wasn’t replaced by an Advanced. (unless you know for sure it replaced an Advanced), or they had the Classic stored somewhere, and used it as a replacement.
I do remember the local guitar store used to have classic SpectrAlerts, but then they upgraded to a newer Fire-Lite system and replaced them with SpectrAlert Advances!
That didn’t make much sense to me. If I were upgrading a system from, hypothetically, a minor company’s system like Radionics or ESL to an addressable Notifier system, and the existing alarms were classic SpectrAlerts, I would just leave those intact and only replace the panel and initiating devices. They would work just fine on the new Notifier panel.
What makes them minor companys? Radionics is a major player.
The notification devices were probalby changed because of a voltage change on the NAC output. IE 12 to 24 volt. Typically found on older panels or when a security/fire panel was used. In addition to that Wiley… leaving devices in place when compatable is typically more affordable, in many cases you can leave the devices in place and simply use addressable modules and conversion cabinets. Havent you given up on having an issue with every alarm change and instalation known to man yet?
I don’t think that he was having any issue with it, but I do think that he was just curious about it is all.
I don’t think that he was having any issue with it, but I do think that he was just curious about it is all.
There is zero curiosity in his post…
Do your local libraries have voice evac? I’ve noticed that libraries in my area tend to have speaker/strobes.
It really depends. I have some small libraries in my area and some larger ones. The larger ones typically had voice evacuation. My college’s library also has an auditorium and eating area in it and that had a Notifier system with voice evacuation.
The library by my house has One Wheelock NS, One BG-12L, and many i3 smoke detectors.
by the Pull Station and H/S in the front there is an ANN-80, i think the panel is an MS-5UD or 10UD
My library has A few Spanish BG-12’s. and a TON of System Sensor 2100TH smokes. I have never seen any type of H/S or panel, but the LED’s on the detectors do blink.
Funny you should mention this, as I volunteer at my library, and have noticed that there are some old alarms. The pull stations are Kidde dual action pulls, which are mounted high from the ground. The NA’s are Kidde branded 7002t
s. The annunciator is a small metal square with a few switches, and little lights. It is in the wall, and there appears to be a small speaker, or large piezo.