Fire Drills, Severe Weather Drills, Lockdowns, Evacuation Drills for the 2022-2023 School Year

This Could be a drill or could be real…

We have just evacuated the school after the staff has said “Students please take your stuff because we are having a Fire Drill.” And the Fire Alarm soon activated. I knew from that moment something was up, because the school management never pre-announces Fire Drills and we already had out drill this month. (Today is the 31st of August btw.)

We are evacuated and under shade, but there is no smoke and no emergency services have arrived… (School safety did though.) It is very confusing, I heard a rumor from a teacher that people smelled smoke or gas, but it is uncertain. The Fire Alarm NAC was active longer than it should have been, but has been silenced right now.

Hope everything is ok and I will catch up on this later…

(Later: It was what the rumor had suspected. It was a precaution just in case there was another gas leak or something toxic. The Fire Department arrived and declared it safe to re enter. We then had no AC for the last period because the HVAC systems are controlled by the 4005 Panel. :frowning: )