Fire, Inclement Weather, Lockdown, and Other Disaster Prevention Drills for the 2018-2019 School Year

They’re not drills, they’re caused by dumb kids who can’t freaking cook.

But surely the school must do fire drills on their own right? I mean it is a college which is a school so they have to do fire drills.

The RA said we don’t have drills.

[quote="Simplex 4051" post_id=81901 time=1538597407 user_id=18]

But surely the school must do fire drills on their own right? I mean it is a college which is a school so they have to do fire drills.


[quote=HenBasket post_id=81905 time=1538622618 user_id=3469]

The RA said we don’t have drills.


Some jurisdictions allow for unplanned alarm events, as HenBasket is familiar with, to count as a “drill.” This is not the case everywhere, so it’s up to local codes. The reason why it’s very possible they don’t have drills is because every time the alarm sounds, that counts. I disagree with that way of thinking, but I don’t write the codes.

They probably do allow for that due to the sheer amount of alarms that happen. If 12 happen within a month, imagine a whole semester!

Yeah I can see how that would make sense and why they would do it like that. The middle school my sisters went to which was a Catholic middle school and part of a church NEVER did fire drills.

Had two fire alarms today. One regular cooking, and the other cases by someone microwaving weed.

Oh lord. Did it stink out the whole dorm? I know that lighting up marijuana tends to make EVERY room in the house smell like it so there is no mistaking what it is.

The suite? Probably. The whole building? Nope.

Yeah I was talking about the suite. What kind of idiot uses a microwave to smoke their weed?

It’s college, so that leaves a lot of room for accusations.

It’s a bit late, but we had our September fire drill a couple of weeks ago now. As ongoing rennovations continue at my school, the old Siemens MXL-IQ system is slowly being replaced with a new Simplex 4010 ES voice evac system. It’s really nice not having to worry about the sound of U-MMT’s now (I would jump out of my seat, they scared me so much!), but a small section of the school still has the old system. It looks like by January, that part will be rennovated, and the MXL will be no more. But I actually think the new Truealers ES speakers are too quiet. You could hardly hear them over everyone talking as we evacuated the building.

You should tell them you could barely hear them. That could be a problem during an actual emergency.

i had a fire and lockdown drill on wednesday and another lockdown drill on friday

when the fire drill happened i was at lunch and it was raining and windy then i suddenly heard the fire alarms going off it was long and the fire dept came to check the system

we had a lockdown drill when we were in an assembly and i heard a government test from my phone on wednesday

all sudden the teacher said lockdown and our phone started going off and people were talking then we had to do this all over again on friday and it was after the pledge and i didn’t hear talking at all

If they thought that presidential alert test meant lockdown thats really sad and worse than calling signals “fire drills”

[quote=idontwannaknow post_id=81957 time=1539058623 user_id=3956]

If they thought that presidential alert test meant lockdown thats really sad and worse than calling signals “fire drills”


:lol: That’s hilarious…

[quote=firefreak57 post_id=81972 time=1539173843 user_id=3667]

:lol: That’s hilarious…


Reminds me of this:
“There was a fire drill today because a heating motor in the slp office broke and caused smoke.”

Fire Drill | October 11th, 2018 (Thursday) | Scheduled Time: 2:15 PM | Actual Drill: 2:40 PM | Period 7, Originally Period 6

Yesterday, my 2nd period teacher told us that there would be a fire drill at 2:15, which for me is just AP US History, so I figured that maybe I’d finally have a nice, normal fire drill that wasn’t a complete mess. Of course, I was wrong. Unsurprisingly, at the beginning of 6th period our teacher told us that there was going to be a fire drill and that we should probably put on our coats (it was about 20 degrees outside). At about 2:10, our teacher essentially just dismissed class 15 minutes early because of the drill and we all basically just stood around in the hallway waiting for that familiar high-pitched SCREECH! 2:15 came and went, and next up I had my 7th period study hall. Here’s where the story gets interesting. At my school, all staff regardless of position have one period of prep that also serves as a study hall for a certain number of students, even if you don’t teach. Usually you get a normal teacher, but once and a while you might get a security guard or a counselor or even the principal (to clarify, this done on a per-semester basis, so you have the same study hall supervisor for an entire semester, and there isn’t some weird rotation system). I have a security guard, along with about five other students. Because the security guard had to help with the drill, he directed us back into his office and told us to just do our work and that he had to head out for a while. Obviously I already knew that there was gonna be a fire drill, so when I heard over the walkie-talkie he had left in the room a few minutes later “all units are in position, activate” I knew exactly what was gonna happen. The actual evacuation was pretty normal, I just thought that story was pretty interesting.

we had a tornado drill on friday when we were in athletics and we were outside and we went to the locker rooms

and today we had another fire drill before we had a field trip to the zoo and i saw someone running and we had a shelfer in place drill

this time the sun showed up all day

the interesting thing is that we have to do a fire, lockdown, tornado, sip and earthquake drill every month and 2 fire drill every october and march

and wd have fire alarms, police alarms and tornado sirens in our school

What’s a Sip Drill? Never heard of that.