My fire alarm pictures.

Maybe somebody will eventually find a good picture of one then. I only just found out about Adaptahorns on strobe plates and now there is actually a light plate. Since that is even rarer and I never even saw an Adaptahorn in real life, I probably never will see that plate in real life. LOL

To help you out, You can find adapatahorns at gas stations. They aren’t common but when you find one, they will be on a big light plate that has a huge light above it. I’m gonna get a picture of one soon.

Maybe were you live, but around here all we have our classic Spectras.

Oh, and only the red ones I used for fire alarms. The grey ones are used for other things.

Well, the thing is a good amount of my pictures weren’t even where I live. One of the7004Ts I saw was in South Carolina at a market. The two 7002Ts that I saw were in Illinois. Where I live, all we have is EST Genesis’s. I am probably not looking in the right buildings. Trust me you will find some older alarms someday. :wink:

Those are alarm units manufactured by Gilbarco Veeder-Root for use with underground fuel storage tanks. It will sound when the tank is close to being overfilled, to warn the fuel truck operator to stop filling.

Yeah, that isn’t an alarm. Actually, it was NewAgeServerAlarm that taught me that grey Adaptahorns were never used for fire alarms. They were always the red ones.

I was talking about something like this:

I was answering “Vibratone Horn”'s question about those things at gas stations.

I just yesterday saw one of those gas station alarms, but I didn’t get the opportunity to take a picture though. I did, however look at horn and it’s not a part of the actual light plate, but is the horn still an adaptahorn or is the whole unit made by another company?

The horn is still and adaptahorn. If you notice the “E” on the top its made by Edwards, thus an adaptahorn.

Simplex GX-90s say Simplex on them. But does that make them Simplex alarms? No, they’re Gentex alarms.

What’s to say that Adaptahorn wasn’t rebranded?

Adaptahorns are manufactured in Edward’s own manufacturing facility in Pittsfield, Maine. I doubt they would rebrand a knockoff as their own.

That’s what I thought. I couldn’t get close enough to see the horn, but I have seen an adaptahorn up close and saw the Eswards logo on it, but I was confused with the light plate make and model. Thank you for that.

Sorry, I should have clarified. The horn Vibratone saw could’ve been a knock-off of an Adaptahorn.

It’s pretty common to see an Adaptahorn mounted into a control box manufactured by another company, because Edwards manufactures a series of horns specifically for this purpose.

In about a 1/2 an hour or so im gonna upload some new pictures i took just recently. :smiley:

As long as you keep them to interesting stuff instead of random common things we’ve all seen… please?

I got some new pics of some old alarms in! I was going to do this last night, but i got caught up with something else.
Anyway here you go:

Just a door alert device. It was kinda a slow day for me so i couldnt help but take a picture of this.

Now these next 11 pictures or so are of an old 1960’s building fire alarm system. Since then, the system has been renovated, but instead of removing the older alarms, they put the new system in and tied it in with the old system! I can tell that the old system is still in use because there is a note about the registration tag for the panel that belongs to the system. Plus the old pull stations are still up too.

Chemtronics heat detector.

The pulls were all Edwards 270 SPO Local Alarm pulls. This one had a different break rod.

Kai 10 inch bell. I had never even heard of Kai before i saw one of my Collaborator’s picture of this. I took this picture however.

These were the panels. On the left is a Fire-Lite panel. ( Maybe an MS-5? ) On the top of that is a cabinet with a ( Wheelock sync module? ) in it. On the right is an unknown panel for the bells. The writing on it explains the registration tag for it is in the basement.

An above the panels was this Edwards 282B Rate-of-Rise heat detector.

Unknown ionization detector. If you do know the model number feel free to say.

And of course a System Sensor 200 series photoelectric detector with an old Gamewell head.

I never would’ve guessed the make and model of this: Pyrotector 3040 photoelectric detector.

Another FCI ion detector, which is apart of the newer system.

This is one of the newer alarms: Wheelock AS-24.

This wheelock 10 maybe 12 inch bell.

I thought this was kinda interesting.

This is only to show the Stopper 2 cover.

In the same place as the Silent Knight Pull: EST 202-5A-T on a wood cutting control board. I brushed it off with care. :slight_smile:

Unknown 4 inch bell.

I have absolutely no idea what this is called.

Cool! An FOS 6120 with an older Seimens strobe.

A very colorful picture of a Federal Signal Remote I-Strobe.

It looks like a Simplex Speaker Strobe, but both the strobe and Speaker are slightly different.

Ademco outdoor speaker at my school.

I think we all have seen one, but this is a remote strobe.

EST Duct Detector with genuine fire alarm wiring.

Well these are my latest finds. I am hoping to get a picture of the gas station adaptahorn setup soon, and some more rare alarms like i just showed, so thank you!!! :mrgreen:

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Gee, those smoke detectors sure are rare! :lol:

What are you trying to say? If you are trying to be rude to the user, please don’t.

I had a weird dream last night about the picture of the ceiling mounted Genesis picture. I’m not sure what triggered it. xD