New LED System Sensor L-Series

They haven’t even formally announced yet, and they’ll probably be more expensive given trends of other companies’ LED releases


I hope that they come out soon so that i can buy one

they will be on ebay hopefully soon after launch

They will probably be the same price as the xenon l series

the goofiest led av’s yet

goofy ahh fire alarm.

yo i will have to get one once there released

me too they look so cool

new alarm just dropped

Nah. Not yet unfortunately.

I don’t believe this at all, its not confirmed at all yet and just like apple concept videos they are never actually what happens.
The random Notifier logo in the bottom corner doesn’t help either with your case. :rofl:

You can believe me or not I don’t really care but they have been confirmed. System sensor has discussed them at their customer conferences. No official release date is known however. Quote from friend at System Sensor: ”We haven’t launched the LED products yet, so we haven’t made an announcement. But, we have discussed it at our customer conferences, so it isn’t a secret that it is being developed.” I cannot say anything about the reliability of the picture provided but it does seem a little odd. However, I can however confirm that new System Sensor products will release soon.

Doesn’t that and/or fire-lite’s logo appear on some brochures about system sensor’s alarm irl?

What was the first led outdoor device?

Where did you find this information?

Yes, it does.

System Sensor apparently just released this document officially announcing the introduction of LED L-Series devices:
System-Sensor-L-Series-LED-Announcement-23.2SS.pdf (
While I am disappointed that none of them are 4-wire, I suppose such a decision makes sense given the way fire alarm systems are nowdays (having 4-wire devices is probably still important for non-fire alarm applications though).


Judging by the Document, the Led Series is going to phase out the Standard L Series soon. Hopefully its Gradual though.

Yeah, though it also says that only the horn/strobe & remote strobe models have been released so far: all the other NA types should be coming sometime in early 2024.

I’ve gotta say I wish they would offer both models like others have done, that is if they’re actually stopping production of the xenon L-Series or the Legacy L-Series as they put it. (Like Wheelock with the Eluxa and regular Exceder)

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