Most buildings like those (including Walmart) have only some with horns. My local Home Depot has AS’s, and blue Commanders by every emergency exit door.
It must be common for Walmarts to have different system that are like matching systems at other Walmarts. Some Walmarts have speakers on the ceiling for voice evac.
A local Target which is next to the local Home Depot has horns on some of the poles and white RSS strobes on the ceiling. A lot better than the Home Depot setup. No overkill.
Every one of these big stores that I’ve been into, and noticed the system, just had every few NA’s with horns on them. So, some of them probably are just remote strobes. They put so many so people in the aisles can see the strobes going off.
The newer Publix’s around me have NA’s hanging from conduit just right above the aisles. There are several NA’s on each aisle, and only some of them have horns.
Oh, sorry, I see where I misread that. Depending on how close they are, it might not be too loud (because Home Depot’s don’t have drop ceilings). It should be quieter than the AS’s at my Home Depot. Also, the pitch or frequency of Commander 2’s, 3’s, and 4’s are less annoying than AS’s.
Wheelock AS’s went off at a Lowe’s with my grandparents when I was about 7 years old. It was loud and obnoxious. My grandma took me and my sister outside until they got it turned off, and my grandpa just turned his hearing aid down and continued shopping. :lol: