Rare Smoke Detectors

Sorry for the back to back posts, but if anyone is looking for a GE Home Sentry 8202-001:


It’s not mine, but I figured someone would be interested.

I’m not sure if this next detector has been mentioned before, but I just learned about it today from one of my teachers.


The Pyrotonics F5B Ionization smoke detector. Used for the higher voltage pyrotonics system (220-240V), we were warned in class today if we ever see one in service, don’t go up and touch it, since the whole detector is pretty much live and will shock you. Another fun fact is that he also said if he wanted to ship the detector away, he could only put one in a container and not two due to the radioactive levels in it, and how it was over the limit for Canada.

Here’s another lot of 3 SmokeGard 907’s, which I meant to post earlier

2 BRK 1839N’s

a FireX FX1020

And finally, there’s still 7 BRK 769AC-I’s available

I’ve dealt with both sellers, great guys to deal with but be warned if you like hanging onto the original packaging, the guy who has the BRK 769AC-Is will just slap a shipping label on the original box and send it out like that. The smoke was undamaged, but the box was ruined.

On a side note: I checked off another on my “smokes of my childhood” list: a sears Early One 462.57351.

I know you’re saying “wait, didn’t you already get one of those not too long ago?” The other one an “our good quality” 462.57361 id a newer model (8/31/1982) with an LED, this one an 462.57351 is an older one (6/1981) with a white test button and no LED same as the ones in my grandparents (mother’s side) house. The price tag on the box says it retailed for $10.80 new.

here’s a few more pics.

mounting bracket:

date stamp:

I powered it and it instantly alarmed I suspect from the metal contact on the test button bending and constantly touching the board test contacts. I may attempt to fix this if I can easily get the cover off. Of course it sounds 1/2 a step higher than my grandparents did.

[quote] Postby EdwardsFan » Sun Jan 10, 2016 6:39 pm I'm not sure if this next detector has been mentioned before, but I just learned about it today from one of my teachers.

http://www.ebay.com/itm/USED-PYROTRONIC … Sw~gRVyRjy

The Pyrotonics F5B Ionization smoke detector. Used for the higher voltage pyrotonics system (220-240V), we were warned in class today if we ever see one in service, don’t go up and touch it, since the whole detector is pretty much live and will shock you. Another fun fact is that he also said if he wanted to ship the detector away, he could only put one in a container and not two due to the radioactive levels in it, and how it was over the limit for Canada.

We still have some of these installed and they still work. The last ones are being ripped out now. I plan on saving a few of the control units and a few more smokes with bases. I might even install them on my desk so I can shock people when the bother me. I’ll say, “Hey, check out this old smoke detector …”

I saw that GE Home Sentry 8202 hardwired alarm. Really want to get it since I don’t have any earlier square GE alarms. Also may consider an SA769AC. I’ll leave the FireX and 907A2’s for someone else.
Those silver detectors are weird. 80 uCi?!?!?! Makes my TC49A seem like a basic 1uCi detector of today!

Expensive, Honeywell TC-89B.

Sunbeam Centurion 945-21 w/box and manuals. The battery removal tab is intact on this one, mine is missing.

Hi I was wondering if anyone knows if a smokey stover smoke detector model 4002 made Dec 26 1984 with out the box has any value.

It depends on if it works, the Smokey Stover was a Smokescan rebrand.

Anyway, I found this cool and rare looking detector on CL near me

I sent the seller an email, so I will most likely be getting it. It may be a SmokeGard rebrand since it says it takes 6AA batteries. Any info anyone?

Rare Because it’s new category:
http://www.ebay.com/itm/KIDDE-SLED177I-LED-Strobe-Light-Smoke-Heat-CO-Visual-Alarm-/252265250700?hash=item3abc2e3f8c:g:ZpkAAOSwoydWpVfb Looks like a direct replacement for their Xenon strobe model.

I normally don’t post until the smoke is in my hands, but I figured I’d post a few pics from eBay on my the latest addition to my collection. It should be in my possession by Saturday (according to tracking) so I’ll have more on it than.

Yup another GE home sentry 8201-401…with a twist

Neat smoke. Can’t wait to see more about it when you get it. That one has a piezo right? Looks very rare as well.

That one looks pretty rare because it has the black plastic sensor, rather than the silver metal one. Also what’s with the plug thing?
Id love to know where you keep finding these GE’s, I’m never able to find the earlier square ones on eBay.
I looked and all I found today was this ESL. Cool looking but nothing really special here:
I’ve still got my eye on that TC89B! I’m hoping the price will go down maybe or I could talk them down.

I have a lot of downtime at work (2-3 hours) usually in the middle of the night, and often surf eBay on my phone, so it’s usually just pure luck and persistence. If I find one, I’ll let you know.

And, the mailman I think is not happy with me lately (same with my wife :lol: ) 4 new smokes arrived. 1st the rarest, the GE SMK 2 (read it right off the tag).

As I read the back of the detector it dawned on me this is the travel version meant to be mounted on a door.

The door mount broke long before I got it. There is a small piece of the base left that I’m going to save and try to fabricate a mount based on the drawing on the back.

That odd plug is as I suspected a power kill probably so you could unplug it when you packed it in your suitcase instead of removing the battery. It does the typical GE warble.

The tag. Yes the detector is dusty, I am in the process of dusting it with a dry swiffer duster.

The SMK 2 on the left and the SMK6/M1 on the right.

Also just before I got the GE these came:

A Sunbean Centurion. Haven’t tested it yet since there’s no test button.

A Gillette Captain Kelly (110VAC plug in). Sounds like every other one out there.

And a FireX FX1020. We all know what they sound like.

In case you’re wondering, the little red thing on the Sunbeam is a batter missing flag. The battery holds it above the cover, but when there’s no battery the spring expands so that the flag shows through the cover.

I had forgotten it had a flag instead of a test button until I took it out of the box. Unlike my GE 8201-201 you can’t hold the flag in with the battery leads.

The mailman handed me yet another package, in it an ADT 7535, photoelectric.

The horn is not a Star buzzer, but a squealer of some sort sounding a lot like the Captain Kelly in this video:

Takes forever to alarm when the test button is pressed, and keeps sounding for about 5 seconds after the button is released.

Wow neat alarm. I think I the date on the back of it says it is from 1977. Can’t make out from what month of that year though. Sorry for asking this but what is that red button on the back if the alarm? Is that a second test button. Looks like a rare find!

Or is that red thing a flag indicator?

That’s the front with the cover off, that’s the test button you see, there is no battery flag. The date is on the white “supermarket price tag”, it’s 9/21/77. I believe this is a rarer version with a squealer horn instead of a Star buzzer.

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Oh okay I see. I can also see the brass squealer horn as well. These alarms to me looked a little modern even for 1977. I would have thought this was more from the mid to late 1980’s. How rare were these alarms? As you mentioned they usually had star buzzers in them.

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