Rare Smoke Detectors


Code One CD-2, Basically the Code-One rebrand of the FireX FX1020.

Cool. From the pic on the box the Code One looks like it has a squealer horn. This would be late 70s or early 80s? I do believe there were later models that looked exactly the same with piezo horns?

This is the one of our smoke alarms in our house and the battery has been out of it for almost my whole life and in March my dad is gonna replace it

Wow that is the same old Sears unit my parents had in their old house. When you say the battery has been out of it your whole life exactly how many years is that if you don’t mind me asking? Those are old with the high pitched screechy horns. If your dad has plans of getting rid of it I would be glad to take it off his hands and use it for my collection if you don’t collect them. I have one 1970’s smoke detector (AC powered) and a wind up bell from the 1950’s in my very small collection so far. Hoping it eventually gets bigger. I don’t have an ebay account but I found both of my alarms at a local second hand shop. My parents disposed of their Sears unit plus a 1970’s Dicon and Westclox unit before I could take them. They were also battery powered.

I’m not sure how long the battery has been out but I have never heard the sound of the alarm except for our old smoke alarm that we had in December of 2013 and it was an ge home sentry smoke alarm model 8201-301 which was replaced in Feb. 2014 for a first alert photoelectric alarm

Oh okay. Those GE’s made a high pitched squeal as well. There were also ones with a lower pitched buzz. What did yours sound like? Glad you got it replaced. The Sears alarm my parents had made an irritatingly high pitched squeal and when it went off you knew it. Same with the Dicon which was worse than the Sears. Smoke detectors of that time were alot more serious and frightening sounding than they are today. Piezos in my opinion don’t do the job like electromechanical horns did. My parents replaced all their alarms in 1997. They should have been replaced much sooner as they were in the house when we moved there in 1981 and were probably there 5 years before. I talked my parents into replacing them and Im glad they listened. The sears alarm in your pic looks to be the same one my parents had so I wouldn’t be surprised if it sounded the same. If you do decide to put a battery in it and test it cover your ears those things are loud!!!

Another question was your ge home sentry square or rectangle shaped? The rectangle shaped had piezos as they were later models.

It was square and every time it went off it sounded like a fog horn

Must have been the one with the lower pitched buzz which I do believe were the 9 volt battery models. Fire Alarm Fan would definitely know this one.

I always hated the sound of the 9-volt one since it hurt my ears

Do you still have the alarm or did it get thrown out? The home sentry had 3 models I do believe:

120 volt battery unit
120 vac unit (wired in)
9 volt battery unit

Most 120 vac units make a lower pitched buzz but on this unit for some reason it is higher pitched I think. But again Im not a smoke detector expert. Now Fire Alarm Fan on the other hand, he would probably know. :smiley: I know all the smokes my parents had in their old house were 9 volts and they hurt my ears too. I used to freak out when they went off. Honestly being afraid of the sound probably wasn’t such a bad thing. The ones they replaced them with had the modern piezos and again not scary sounding to me. I still don’t like the sound of the old 1970’s units today and Im almost 43 but I probably wouldn’t freak out. They do make neat collectors items. The manufactures of smokes should have kept electromechanical horns but because of money and keeping cost down we are stuck with the less effective piezos.

It was replaced with an First Alert that was photoelectric model SA710CN

There’s 2 120VAC versons, the 8202-001 (older round hole sensing chamber, Edwards horn) and 8205-0 (3 slotted sensing chamber, brass squealer)
There’s also the 8201-201 (square, 12.6 volt, Star buzzer)
the 8202-401C(silver sensing chamber) SMK6/M1 (black sensing chamber) (rectangular, conical warbling piezo)
and SMK2 (9 volt rectangular, travel with power kill plug, conical warbling piezo)

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They also made a 120VAC line cord model, which was I believe model 8201-101

So here we go:
120VAC Hardwired: 8202-001 (earlier, Edwards horn, multi-hole sensor), 8205-0 (Later, triple-slot sensor)
120VAC Line-cord/Plug-in: 8201-101 (I believe it had the triple-slot sensor and brass squealer but not sure)
12.6V battery: 8201-2 (Earlier version had multi-holed sensor & Edwards horn, Later version had triple-slot sensor & black Star buzzer)
9v battery: 8201-301 (earlier square, triple-slot sensor & black Star buzzer), 8201-401C (later rectangular, triple-slot sensor & trumpet piezo), SMK6/M1 (Black & Decker mod, black plastic triple-slot sensor & trumpet piezo), SMK2 (Travel, Black & Decker mod, black plastic triple slot sensor, trumpet piezo)

On a different topic there’s a Universal SS-200 on Craigslist by me, unfortunately the guy wants $50 for it, way overpriced.

Wow GE home sentry had more models than I thought but I was right about the 120 vac models having a high pitched squealer. I agree on the price of that smoke alarm too. $50.00 is alot.

you smoke detector experts might be able to help out in this thread:

my thoughts were a firex but i really have no idea.

While not necessarily rare, and probably a good number are still in service (I know of one house with 2 and an SA1839WN), but this is by far the most expensive smoke alarm I’ve purchased.

A smoke alarm shaped Popsicle, my favorite :lol: . That’s just the shipping box and not the reason why it was so expensive. It’s just your average SA86RAC. Box is worn, but the smoke works just fine.

What made it so expensive? Well it was listed on eBay for $5.00 and up until the day the auction was ending I was the only bidder. Than someone who was either very determined, or was someone who doesn’t care for me and somehow figured out I bid decided to outbid me. Being somewhat competitive, I quickly outbid them, and a bidding war ensued (I apologize if it was anyone here trying to snag it). I ended up paying way too much for it, but I’m still happy with it.

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Definitely wasn’t me trying for it, I have several already (including 3 from my sister’s Cali home, you saw a video of the replacement testing on YT. Does it do 4/6 or T3mporal? And yes I typed it that way intentionally, once as I was labeling a FA activation from a BFD recording. I was just going to say T3 but wrote the rest out.

I knew it wasn’t you since you have several already. It does 4/6, and keeps going for about 3-5 seconds after the test button is released (on battery power, haven’t powered it up on AC yet).

Those eBay bidding wars seriously suck sometimes. I really like to think they are just trolls who like to do that sometimes.