Ugliest NA's

I dig the model itself, but I think the horn grille could be changed. The way the piezo isn’t centered just irks me, and I don’t even have OCD!

It looks like something you’d stick a straw in and drink juice out of TO BE HONEST

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The grille and the piezo together like that looks like a freaky eyeball and that is staring down at something. It actually really creeps me out.

Really reminds me of the really old simplex pre-TrueAlert that had a way different grille. Looked like an eye as well!

You mean the 4903 series? I honestly never noticed it and they were the most common alarm in my elementary school and second common alarm in my high school.

No, these lol.

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Well when you said “pre-TrueAlert”, I thought you meant the series before it. LOL

That would be called a “QuickAlert”. It’s what conventional TrueAlerts were called when they first came out.

So they were the predecessor for the TrueAlert?

Not gonna lie…This thing looks like someone turned a SpectrAlert Advance HR horn inside-out and slapped an LED strobe on it…

Don’t get me wrong, I love Simplex, but this thing is uglier than sin!

They were the original version of the TrueAlert, however someone already owned the name QuickAlert and sued Simplex for trademark infringement, so they slightly redesigned the device and changed the name to TrueAlert.

It looks like they’ve slapped a miniature camera inside, no wonder why people put tape over the NAs in hotel rooms :lol:

Are those ugly ones horn strobes, remote strobes, chime strobes, or speaker strobes?

Simplex’s line of LED TrueAlerts consists of horn/strobes, remote strobes, & remote horns. What you see above is a 59AV-series horn/strobe model.

I guess since this topic was bumped by other people.
I’d say the ugliest is the ceiling mount LED Genesis.
I think the xenon Genesis looks better. The rest of LED Genesis line doesn’t look to bad.

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I wouldn’t have bumped it if it hadn’t been for Mattias bumping it in the first place; I don’t know what it is with the way he acts on here sometimes.

If you ask me the ceiling-mount G4S Genesis is pretty good-looking, especially in comparison to the ceiling-mount TrueAlertES speaker/strobe; the latter looks like a TrueAlertES ceiling speaker with a 4904-series strobe crudely attached to the side (which I guess is essentially what it is).

I think that one is a really cool notification appliance. Did you know that it’s an electronic horn?

That particular device can come in both electronic horn & speaker versions. Not sure who the original manufacturer is, but I know both Federal Signal & Simplex sold it under their brand names.

That’s essentially what it is anyway

Definitely the Simplex TrueAlert ES Speaker-Strobe.