Fci 7100 Back Door

Hello, we have a potential new customer. They have two (2) FACP’s in the same 6K square ft. building. One being a FCI 7100 and the other is an SK5208. FACP’s are not linked and we will need to add & program (3) AAM-2F monitor modules for the 7100 to monitor the SK. How they ever passed annual inspections is beyond me.

Can someone be kind enough to PM me the Level 4 password or a back door into the panel so that we may obtain this new customer and have the ability to program the new modules

Thank you in advance.

Update: Stopped by the site this morning and the default Level 4 password was never changed, so we are able to access programming.

Trying to get into a 7100 panel where we’re taking over a system, was hoping to find some help gaining access to the software to change some point descriptions.

Is possible, if you are interested on try some options sent DM…

Could I get some info on getting into a gamewell FC-7100 panel to change dialer info etc. I have a customer who wants us to take over their system but original installer is out of business and tech is actually no longer alive. It is a fairly large system so replacing is sort of out of the question. Unless this could get hit by lightening or have some sort of catastrophic failure. Thanks for any help in advance.

Could you please send me that level 4 passcode? I am working on a medical building and the previous company (no longer around) changed the code.

I am in the same boat could you please share that code?

Can you share that code with me please.

Please try to refrain from posting multiple times in the same thread in succession - fvilla and ccs46 may not be online every day but when they are they are sure to get back to you.

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Hello ccs46,

Could you PM me the level 4 for the 7100?

fvilla can you pm me when you get a chance? thanks!

I know this is very old thread but was hoping if you can send me the back door code for the 7100.

Hello! I know this is super old but I am DESPERATE. I have a Gamewell 7100 Series that we just took over management and nobody has the code and I need to add some nodules. Can someone send me the code?

there’s no special code or backdoor for any Gamewell Panels since v4 firmware for E3 or S3, and none for 7100 once someone changes the default level 4 code.
have other options if you are really interested sent DM for details


Yes, I am open to ALL options. please DM me

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We take over client with Gamewell - fci system touch screen but level 4 passcode provided by previous install is incorrect, can you please assist with backdoor level 4 passcode, DM me please.

Looking for any assistance trouble shooting intermittent DACT Fault…DACT circuit not in use
as panel changed from POT to Starlink monitoring. Level 4 code lost so panel may still be looking for DACT Circuit, need access to shutdown the DACT output. Any ideas would be welcome.



is an FCI-7100 panel?

Yes, sorry forgot to include it is a FCI-7100 built in late 2011.



Hello everyone, i’m working on a Gamewell E3. Could someone help me with getting the level 4 passcode. The default code was changed. The Software Version is 1.4.

Thank you