Ok well I remember a dream I had quite awhile ago. I was at a Middle School in VA. It was an abandoned school in real life but in the dream it functioned as a school. The alarms were all the same as I remembered when I was there for a piano recital. The 9838 with the side cones all the rest with none, a Simplex 4903 in the computer lab, and a 4050 in the band room.
In the dream I was in the gym playing basketball and this was the area that was the bandroom in real life. All of a sudden you hear the 9838 with the side cones blare from way down the hall. And that was some sort of pre-signal i guess. So we all started running for the exit of the room. I was afraid the 4050 was going to go off but all the alarms didn’t go off until I was in the hallways. When in the hallway the 9838’s blare and I could hear the 4050 in the gym fading as we were walking down the hall. We left the building and when we got outside I woke up. That’s a dream I’ll never forget, it’s also one of my favorites.
It started when these fire alarm inspectors were testing the fire alarms at my school.The alarms were Wheelock MT’s with Simplex T-Bars.I’m not sure what the panel was.The MT’s coding was code 3 horn.After they were done testing,The alarms vanished.At lunch,Me,My cousin,Anitea,And My sister,Brittany,Thought we drank this potion that made us grow as tall as skyscrapers."When the fire alarms come back,“I said,“We’ll pull it,So that people will know we’re going to grow and break the school.”“Good idea!”
Anitea said.After lunch The alarms came back,But they were Edwards 4”
Bells with Edwards 270-SPO pull stations.The panel was an EST3."Okay lets do it!"We chanted.So I pulled one,And Anetia and Brittany pulled one.
Instantly,The EST3 went bleeping,And the bells went off with a CLANG!
Also,The pulls were not on the wall,They were these “Wireless” pulls.
Suddenly,My old french teacher came around the cormer.Her name was MME C."You guys,"She hollered,“Are in deep shit!!!”"MADAME!"I said,
“You shouldn’t be saying words like that!!!”"Oh well!"She screamed. She reset the panel and dragged us into her office(I bet she was the principal in my dream.)"Why did you guys pull the fire alarm?"She asked."Well, We were going to grow really big,And wreck the school,so we thought we should warn everyone."I said."Oh.Well,That’s all."She took the Two pull stations,And tried resetting them by trying to push the handle back up."I can’t reset these!"She said."I’ll do it!"I took the pulls,And that’s the end of my dream.Pretty wierd,Huh?
I had a dream like two nights ago. I was technically in Middle School but it looked exactly like my Elementary School. So we were about ready to do the fire drill and the alarms were -9236’s in the classrooms. So the strobe went off and the horn sounded then when I got into the hallways they were MT’s. Then when the drill was over the principal which was actually my elementary school principal, Mrs. Fogarty, was standing outside and I wanted to ask her if I could help out with the next fire drill but that’s when I woke up…
I had a dream where it rained wheelock 7002Ts and killed whoever it hit, I woke up after one hit me. I had that dream a few days later but it rained FACPs and I woke up when I was hit by this huge simplex panel. :shock:
I just had one where it was in our bowling center (which has no FA system in reality). There was a very old annunciator near the restrooms, then I went in to the restroom to find techs installing a BG-12-style pull near the RR doorway. Then they moved on to a station near the dining area. I asked if there was any NAs around and one tech pointed to one across the entryway. So I walked over to it and looked at the label:
It was just a red box with a small silver wedge-shaped plate that occupied the lower half, with one lone slot for sound output.When they tested the system, it sounded, but sounded like those old car interior buzzers, but even softer than that.
Also there was another area that led to a video rental store that was a backwards “L” shape, with an angled door.
1 was an AH-style horn on a VA4 plate (mounted upside-down)
2 was a 4904-9501 - style strobe, except all red, different font, mounted horizontally, and taller (longer)
I had a dream last night that there was a Simplex 2903 strobe plate w/ 2901-9838 in my room and 4903s in the other rooms. I was afraid that they would go off but they didn’t.
I had a dream a long time ago that’s just like yours,Only in my bedroom,There was an Edwards 8" fire bell.We used to have them in my school and they are LOUD.I was afraid it would go off,Then some kid comes in my room,And suddenly an Edwards 270-SPO appears and The kid pulls it.That’s when I woke up.
I was dreaming that I finally got an AS and a TrueAlert. When I woke up, I was disappointed that it was just a dream.
Another dream was when I saw an Edwards 892 installed on the outside of my grandmother’s house.
I was dreaming that I was in a community center that has TrueAlerts (there is one in reality that I’ve been to) and they were going off in continuous. It went off when I went down a ramp (there is no ramp in reality).
That my high school was slightly renovated and had 892’s instead of 7002Ts.
Last night, I was dreaming of having a BG-12. I did pull it, and opened it, then closed it. It did have the switch in it. I was slightly disappointed when I woke up.
I just had this dream of this weird store-type place and saw a MASSADA right above the doors. BTW, I had a dream that exactly like it before, but I don’t think there was any fire alarm.
Last night, I was dreaming of having a fire drill at my MS. The 892’s went off but the only thing is, it produced the sound of a Wheelock AS (or MT) in Continuous Horn! Now that’s pretty weird. Having a horn produce a sound of another alarm.
One time a few months ago, I had a dream that I was walking through a Home Depot, and I saw on the top shelf of one of the aisles a whole row of Edwards Integrities! Their boxes had a bright colored sticker with the candela on them.
I was across the street looking at a van that looked exactly like the one the organization that handles most of the people here has. Same make, model, trim group and everything. But I looked across the street to here and our van was still here. Then I heard an EH in code-3. So I started bunny-hopping (see Strafing (video games) - Wikipedia) to the back of the hotel, nothing. So I continued to our GM dealer and went to where their exterior alarm was, and sure enough, it was going off. However, the strobe was very dimly flashing, like it was underpowered. I also heard a 1000hz C3 tone from the inside (probably the burglar alarm sounder) so I went over to the window of the garage, and it was glowing orange!
I had one last nigh where I found an older 278B pull station. It was huge and it worked with a pushbutton instead of a toggle switch.
In that same dream I also found a newer 278B-1110 with the paint missing in one spot. Again in that same dream I found a Faraday 8700-S but it was metal instead of plastic.
I just had a dream several days ago that the glass of the strobe of my MT fell off. I was like “Oh no! I can’t believe it’s broken! I just got that off of eBay! What am I going to do?!”