Here are pictures of the fire alarms in the Edgar B. Davis K-8 school. I went here for kindergarten, and I also went here for a summer day camp-like program in the summer of 2000. I have also included some bell pics too.
These are the primary bells inside the school. 6-inch Simplex bells behind gray grilles. These bells were EXTREMELY LOUD! I don’t know the model number, but they have the older Simplex logo on the labels of the bells (cursive script “Simplex” in a gold rectangle), and I am betting they use AC voltage. They sound a lot like NewAgeServer’s Simplex 4090 bell. They installed these bells just about everywhere in the school. Even some classrooms and the computer lab have bells in them!
These are the outdoor bells. 10-inch Simplex bells behind silver grilles. They had three of these in the gym, too! This particular bell is disconnected. I’m sure all these bells were originally made by Faraday.
A bell that was removed and plated over. You can see how low the bells were mounted with the door in that pic!
This bell’s mounted pretty high up. Look at the crappy condition the grille is in, too! I guess the older kids kept throwing basketballs, soccer balls etc. at the bell grille. I believe this one is disconnected too.
This is, to my knowledge, the only outdoor bell that still works. It was installed not too far from the entrance to my kindergarten classroom.
The Gamewell city master box outside the main entrance. Note that it is blue and does not feature a lever on the outside.
Like the bells and clock system, the main fire alarm system in the school is a Simplex system. The primary signals are Simplex 4051 horns on 4050-80 retrofit plates. They installed them all like this, the bell and horn/light next to each other. And like the bells, the 4051/4050-80s are installed just about everywhere in the school too.
The pulls throughout most of the building are Simplex 4251-30 break-glass. They are installed at each hallway exit, and everywhere else where pull stations are required. They are not in most of the classrooms that have signals in them, and they are not in the locker rooms.
Here’s the bizzare install job I was talking about. A 4051 horn on two backboxes mounted into the 4050-80 light plate, with conduit leading from the middle backbox into the backbox behind the pull station. Also, note that the 4251-30 is missing its hammer and most likely the glass too!
A 4051/4050-80, 4251-30 pull, school bell and the graphic annunciator. It’s some kind of Simplex annunciator, probably from the 1980s or early 1990s. It is obviously not from the original installation. I don’t know what the main panel is. If the original panel is still there, it’s probably a Simplex 4208 or similar model. Or judging by the annunciator and the coding the system was programmed to, the main panel could be a Simplex 2001 or even a Simplex 4002. Also, note the “DO NOT BLOCK PANEL” signs, and above the pull station the sign there reads “Please DO NOT block alarm.”
Not pictured are the Chemtronics heat detectors (older metal ones with black bases), the Edwards 270-SPO pull stations in the hallway leading from the cafeteria to the computer lab and gymnasium, the Simplex test stations, and the SAE horn/light in the small gym and the one in the main gym. Also, the 4251-30 pulls in the main gym have red metal grilles over them (this was in the 1970s before Stopper IIs came around).
For those wondering, the system sounded in Slow March Time (20 BPM). It sounded like the fire alarm system in this video, but in 20 BPM instead of 120 BPM:
Any comments? I’m sure the technicians on this forum have encountered similar install jobs like the bizzare one in one of my pics, and I’m sure this should catch Firefly and Dan D. and Dan M.'s attentions, since this involves a classic Simplex fire alarm system.