my school has had a simplex prototype called the 7100 up for a few years. it will soon be replaced with a 4100ES.
What ever you do is t get that panel or get a picture of that panel. What you have in your school is Probably not going to be seen again.
Why would they use a prototype panel in actual life safety service? (though I am interested in what it might be) I agree with Exquisite: get it or at least a photo of it if you can.
It probably works just as well as it would if it were a production panel, it just isn’t production
that will be tricky. my school has a very strict policy on pictures. heck, a camera on school grounds is enough to make the the administration worried.
Just try to. Just find a time where no body is looking. But with the whole “administration doesn’t like cameras” thing is making this seem suspicious.
What does this have to do with the new Foundation Series panels?
it may be a preceding prototype.
It’s actually a clock controller. Now, back to the foundation series panels. It seems like they’ll eventually phase out the 4100es in favor of an mx-based panel. I’m curious what it’ll be.
we have a rauland clock controller.
Just found the data sheet for the new simplex detectors Simplex-Foundation-Series-Product-Catalog.pdf.
Good find! I was surprised to find all those 4903 & 4904-series devices in it, since I thought Simplex did away with them completely in favor of the TrueAlert series. Still nothing on whether the Foundation Series is actually in active production though (from what I can tell at least).
I find that part interesting too. Who’s knows what simplex is planning
You need a Facebook account to view it
The foundation series has been released and orders are starting today. I have heard multiple stuff saying that ADI is going to carry it or they are not but I have no clue. I see the Simplex version just being JCI only while the Autocall versions would go to Autocall distributors. We will see how much of these systems will pop up. I don’t expect to see the Foundation Series to much here since Simplex is becoming less common in my area while Autocall is non existent. If they are going to release this to ADI (or any places that would sell panels), they need a new Foundation panel bigger then 250 points. Because Silent Knight,FireLite, and Potter are beating them size with the 6820,MS-9600UDLS and the AFC-1000. I do believe they should get a conventional panel with more zones then 8. Also it didn’t mention anything voice evac. No speaker strobes and no remote speakers. This puts them at a disadvantage if it was to compete with FireLite, Silent Knight or Potter.
So almost a whole year after first teasing them they finally got production underway? About time if you ask me (now if Edwards would only do so with their replacement for the WG4).
Keep in mind that they probably introduced the Foundation series for small-to-medium-size applications: they still have the ES-series for medium-to-large applications (including those that require voice).
They have the ES series sure but the 4007ES and the 2250FS overlap both have 250 points (for the 4007ES you get a IDNET card). I don’t see them why they could do more points. A 2500FS could work if they are distributing to companies like ADI. If they aren’t, it doesn’t make sense that they made a panel that can handle the same amount of points as the 4007ES unless the MX Protocol has something that IDNet doesn’t.
Can this panel do idnet?
I don’t think so. They are heavily advertising it to use the new addressable devices
The 2250FS and the 2050FS only dose MX. There is no IDNET