World Trade Center Fire Alarm System History

Good find, especially given the red MXLs! (which are undoubtedly rare to find &/or see)

There is a video of the firefighters initial response to 1 WTC, you can see the command post being set up and the panels open behind the Fire Chiefs.

Once I find the video I will link it on this thread.


Heres some interior shots showing the smoke and heat detectors in the cafe areas
(from a reddit post)

Smoke detector near the spot light in the middle

2 Heat Detectors (the white device with the rod)

Smoke Detector (in the center area)

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Those look like the more common Cerberus Pyrotronics DI-3 to me (which might have been installed during the post-1993 upgrade given the original system had DI-2s instead).

Actually, its an ILI-1 since its on a MXL-V system. The addressable one (ILI-1) has a water clear LED while the DI-3 is conventional and has a standard red LED.

Oh, really? Good to know (kinda like how ionization Apollo detectors have a red LED while photoelectric ones have a clear LED). Had no idea that there were separate conventional & addressable CP detectors with that design though (heck I thought for the longest time that the DI-3 was addressable, but apparently it’s conventional).

The DI-3 is conventional. So yea.



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Also, the heat detectors would be the ILT-1.

Apparently, there were “fire alarm closets” on every 3rd floor of WTC1 and WTC2 that had what looks like an MXL panel interconnected with an older Pyrotronics panel of some sort. I’m guessing they retrofitted it after 1993 somehow.


The Pyrotronics panel might be a System 3, from the looks of it.

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I found this YouTube video of the wtc with a picture of a fire alarm:

It looks like there is a smoke detector above the exit sign and a speaker strobe to the right of those doors.

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The System 3 cabinets were commonly used with MXL’s to house things like amplifiers.

That was most likely of fire pager. or a digital IP pa display.

I think these were maybe in World Trade center 7. Though im just making a theory


These may have been the pull stations


While some of the exact devices are not known for sure, pretty much all of the ones you posted do not fit for several reasons (what are you trying to do?): the supposed actual pull stations used in WTC7 can be found if you scroll some ways up. As for 5 out of the 6 alarms you posted: WTC7 had voice capability, meaning it did not have horns or horn/strobes (the Wheelock ET-series speaker/strobe was used in WTC1 & WTC2 though, albeit rebranded by Cerberus Pyrotronics).

Well you could be right but the reason why was because we can only speculate and make theories of what this pull station is and wtc 7 had to have other alarms besides the e70 or fe70 here’s the image
Something which looks like a e70 fe70 et70 or fet70 and this image
which looks to be an FCI ms2 or est or any of those pull stations and there still it could be the firecom pull but i am just theorizing

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Or this

Firecom FE70-24MCW-FW

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Or this