Times when there was an actual fire at school /work

there was one time that this actualy happend to me. this happend when I was in the first grade. I was doing my work when the fire alarm went off
I think my school had spectra alert classics at the time with outdoor vibratone simplex horns. we all waited outside my class was lucky because when the fire department showed up we were the class that was the closest to the truck and by this time you could see the smoke coming out the back cafiteria door. after they did there sweep of the building they all started running out and then they opened up the fire hydrent and then they staretd lugging the hoses. when I got home that day I found out there hade been a small fire in the cafiteria. and that Is my school fire story.

You know, that’s not unlike a fire I went through at my elementary school: I believe I was told someone in the cafeteria tried warming up some microwave popcorn, & it somehow caught on fire. The next thing anyone knew, the fire alarm sounded (SpectrAlert Classics just like your school) & we were all evacuating. Whether the system was actuated manually or automatically I don’t know. I remember hardly anything about that day since it’s been so long since it happened, including what the cafeteria looked like afterwards (if I even saw the supposedly burned area to begin with). To date this is the only actual fire I’ve been involved in.

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they never told us what caused the fire. but I think it might be a simalr situation.

Is the school you went to in Florida? That’s where my elementary school is.

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No it is in Missouri what alrams dose your elementary school have

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I cant remember what panel that school had all I know is that it was 20 years old. I also only know only one other enthusiast and he still pertty new to all of this.

SpectrAlert Classics & (according to Google Maps since I can’t remember) BG-12s, not sure of the panel or smoke detectors though.

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Man, I love the spectaralert classic. I feel like with the L series they combine both of the spectralerts together because it lookjs like a modern version of the classic but sounds like the advance.

this is my paneles fire alarm system , I am hoping to get an i3 for this system and I have an idea on how I am going to make that work.

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Nice Demo board!

Back to the topic,

My school had a smoke condition last year but everyone thought it was a Fire.

I have a Topic about this already, but ill, sum it up here.

At 10:45 the Fire Alarm went off because a light fixture had started smoking. (Incident Commander activated it with the panel.) When we left the building, we heard sirens in the distance, which is not good by the way. The Fire Department arrived and was investigating the event. We were Given the All Clear and went inside. I forgot to mention that it was Raining and we were DRENCHED.

The system Is a Simplex 4005 with Pyrotronics 7002ts, Motor Bells, and Wheelock NS’es.
I have the full system linked here.

I’ve also had a precautionary evacuation and a Gas leak at this school, I’ve linked them here.

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thank, I am saving up to get a MS-5ud. but you know they are expensiv. :dollar: :dollar: :dollar:

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I just put in a brand new BG12 but it is rebranded by FCI and there model number is MS-7. Aso no power.

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That´s a very cool fire alarm setup Dylan! My most favorite fire alarm is probably the Spectra Alert Classic because it´s really not as loud as others are! What are your guys favorite fire alarms?


my favorite is the system sensor L series. I like it because the candela selection can go really high.

My elementary school had a small fire in the cafeteria, set off one of the 2400 smokes, and activated the system with NS horn strobes in classrooms and hallways, and in the portables, classics. I think the panel was something Notifier, but I don’t quite remember. No one was injured and the school was pretty much unharmed.

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Wow the NS is a pretty loud alarm I have been in a building when they went off and I hope to get one soon for my collection


also I wwould like to give Kalebalarms a huge welcome, he is a new enthusiast but not yet a collector but he is one of my beast friends.

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:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: Thanks dude

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wow that sounds like what happend to mine. Also I watch your youtube channel you are one of my favorites

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One of my school districts incidents happened back when I was in 3rd grade (2010-2011). The only rooftop A/C on the building blew up and sent smoke through the HVAC system, that’s how is set off the alarms (Wheelock 7002t’s and a FCI FC-72 panel, the same devices we replaced in June 2022). The alarms sounded first, and then as we were evacuating they announced over the loudspeaker a code red, and that it was not a drill. So they evacuated the school and walked us to the other elementary school across the street, where we sat in the gym for a while until they let us back into the school.

A different incident my boss told be about involving some portable units at the kindergarten school probably around 1999-2001. My boss and his father had wired those portable units back in the early 90’s, and had stapled their wires to the bottom of the floor joists, (a common practice in residential wiring) and over time with the ground shifting the units, it pulled the wires tight and began shorting out where the wires were stapled, and caused a fire. The fire damaged one unit but it was repaired, but they were all torn down a few years later due to mold concerns.